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My Brother’s Best Friends

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IdidwhatI thought was the right thing after Lisa found out. I went straight to work and straight home every day. I didn’t speed, I didn’t go out at night, and I didn’t sleep anywhere but my own bed. I couldn’t change the fact that I’d done what I’d done with the guys, but I could not repeat it. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.

I knew the guys knew I was avoiding them. I was sure they even knew why. Theo had undoubtedly told them that Lisa knew and was upset about it. I stayed downstairs during their poker night, no matter how much I wanted to venture up to see them. When Russ announced they were having drinks in his office, I locked myself in the bathroom and pretended to shower for two hours. I did what I had to do.

Sure, my mood was terrible and I missed the guys like crazy, but I didn’t want to mess anything up for Russ or for them. I could suffer for a while if it meant that things would move along for the better. It wasn’t like I’d never get over them. Surely.

All of that brooding was why when Megan asked if I wanted to go out with her and Kara on Friday night, I jumped at the opportunity. I needed to drink and have a little fun. I even made sure to tell Russ that I’d be home after drinks to ensure that I couldn’t sneak away to spend the night somewhere I had no business being.

Everything was going fine until someone—me—ordered a Lunar Eclipse. Feeling fun and free, I ordered a second one with a round for Megan and Kara as well. Within the hour, I was dancing by myself on a mostly empty dance floor. Within two hours, there were two guys at our table with us, each of them a few years younger than us, laughing and having a good time. Within three hours and a couple more Lunar Eclipses, we were standing at the potato chip, staring up at it, as one of our new best friends dared me to climb it.

I leaned against Kara and nodded. “I’ve got this. I went indoor rock climbing once in LA.”

Megan stumbled over her feet and landed on the grass with Kara tumbling into her lap right after. “This is not an indoor rock wall in LA, Rea.”

New best friend number one wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me in close. “I could give you a boost.”

I pushed him away, not liking that he didn’t smell like my men. “Don’t need a boost. You see these thighs? They were meant for climbing. They’re strong as hell.”

Kara cackled. “What are you even talking about?”

New best friend number two pretended to bow to my thighs and winked at me. “Climb this chip and we’ll all be forced to worship those thighs.”

I shot Megan and Kara a weirded-out face, but I was drunk and able to ignore the fact that our new best friends were weird and pervy. Walking around the chip, I stopped back in front of them and slipped my heels off. “Nobody let my shoes get away.”

Deciding a running start would be most beneficial, I walked back several yards and then took off running at the chip. When I was close, I leaped into the air and splattered against the side of it like a bug on a windshield. Sliding all the way down to the ground, I grunted and looked over at Megan, who was crying from laughing so hard.

“Well, plan A was a failure.” I pulled myself up and jumped up to get a handhold on the giant thing and actually succeeded. Screaming out a cheer, I hoisted my other hand up and then hung there, my feet barely off the ground. “Now what?”

Number one came up behind me, grabbed a whole lot of my ass, and pushed me up. I ended up hanging half over the chip, flailing as I rocked back and forth. I was at a severe angle and starting to slide down the side when I somehow balanced out and went perfectly still. I was feeling pretty impressed with myself until I looked down to cheer with everyone and found myself staring into the angry eyes of August.

I gulped and nearly choked on my scream as he easily yanked me off of the chip and tossed me over his shoulder. My head bounced into his ass and I couldn’t fight the urge to bite it.

He flipped me back over his shoulder and leaned down into my space. “You’re seconds from me losing my shit right here in front of your friends, Reagan James. I suggest you behave or you’re going to find yourself bent over my knee right here.”

A flash of warmth hit me hard and I shivered. My brain was slower to process his words, but when it did, I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest. “Mean.”

He growled and pushed me into a hard chest that had been hovering behind me. “Take her to the truck.”

I looked up and saw Charlie, his dimples gone as he glared at something off to the side. When I tried to look at where he was glaring, he lifted me into his arms and carried me away from everyone. I looked back and saw August and Theo helping Megan and Kara up while our other two best friends sat nearby, looking scolded.

“I was about to climb the chip.” I realized my words were slurred and tried again. “Was going to climb a ship. Nope. That’s not right. Climb the blimp.”

Charlie tucked me into the backseat of August’s truck, his frown still firmly in place as he buckled me in. “We saw you trying to climb the fucking chip, Reagan. You could’ve broken your neck. What were you thinking?”

Before I could answer, August opened the other back door and in came Megan and Kara. They looked properly scolded, as well. When the back door of the Bronco opened and Theo ushered the two guys in, I panicked.

“Are you arresting us?” I fanned my face as it grew hot. “I can’t go to jail. I think I’m getting menopause. I’m having hot flashes. Not to mention mood swings. Oh, god. I’m going to be rude to the wrong lady in jail and end up beaten. What kind of time do you get for climbing a potato chip? Is there a criminal precedent for this?”

August got behind the wheel and glared back at me. “I am not arresting you. I’m taking your drunk asses home.”

I sighed in relief. “That’s so nice of you. If my brother wasn’t my brother, I’d really find a way to thank—”

“Be quiet, Reagan.” Charlie pressed his finger to my lips and shook his head. “Understand?”

I scrunched up my nose in annoyance, but nodded. When he stayed put with raised eyebrows, I just scowled back at him.

“Do you understand, Rea?”

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