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My Brother’s Best Friends

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Iglaredatthe retreating backs of Jimmy and Greg Durn. “Are you sure there’s not anything you can lock them up for?”

August grunted and stalked back towards the truck. “Unfortunately, being pieces of shit isn’t against the law.”

As soon as I opened the door to get in the front seat, I heard Charlie’s raised voice and looked back at where he’d moved back to sit next to Reagan. He looked like his head was going to pop off and Reagan was all smiles.

“You think they’re cute? Those two fucking idiots? Jesus, Reagan. Were you planning on going home with them?”

Reagan snorted and stretched out, shoving her legs into his lap. “Nope. They were my new best friends for the night, I think. Can’t really remember now. And I didn’t say they were cute, you turd. I said they weren’t all that unfortunate looking.”

I had to bite back a laugh when Charlie instantly started rubbing her feet. He didn’t even seem to notice that he was doing it.

“They had their hands all over you. Jimmy pushed you over the potato chip. You could’ve been hurt. He was not your friend.”

“I told him I didn’t need a boost. I don’t know why you’re mad at me.” Reagan crossed her arms and arched her back when he dug into the arch of her foot. “You think I wanted to go home with them? That’s insane. I have more dicks in my life right now than almost ever before. I’m drowning in dicks. Big dicks. Dicks attached to pretty, pretty bodies and faces. Lisa told me I’m walking like I’ve been riding a horse. The last thing in the world I would want is more dicks. Where am I even supposed to put them?”

I bit my knuckles and turned around to face the front of the truck. I heard August’s frustrated chuckle and had to fight to keep my own in. Charlie, who was taking the brunt of her attention, made a choking sound.

“Yeah, just like that.” Reagan sighed and leaned forward, catching a handful of my hair and tugging. “Do you think I wanted to go home with them?”

I cleared my throat and shook my head. “No. I think they wanted to go home with you.”

“To Russ’ basement?” She giggled. “My bachelorette pad is highly lacking. The basement is where Dad used to keep the chemicals for the yard and where Mom hid to smoke so Dad wouldn’t find out. Maybe that’s why I’m so horny all the time now. Maybe the chemicals leaked and are affecting me. Like the ninja turtles, but instead of fighting skills, I have the ability to take all three of you. More than the ability. The need to take all three of you.”

August swerved as he nearly drove off the road. Glancing over at me, he gestured for me to do something, but what the fuck was I supposed to do? I was just as affected by what she was saying as they were. My dick was a steel rod in my pants.

“Are we going to one of your houses now?” Reagan shifted her foot, idly rubbing Charlie’s dick with it. “I’ve been good all week. I tried. I really tried. I kept my hands to myself and I didn’t give in to my desires. I didn’t even masturbate because I was afraid I would wake up naked at one of your doors, having sleepwalked across town for your touch.”

“That’s what you were doing? Trying to be good?” I frowned. “You think being with us is bad?”

She cupped her breasts through her shirt and moaned. “Being with you is too good. It’s bad, though. Lying to Russ is bad. I’m a terrible sister. The worst.”

August swore and barked at Charlie. “Catch her hands or something. Jesus.”

Charlie grunted, clearly in pain. “Excuse me for not having the fastest reflexes when she’s stroking my dick with her feet.”

“Oh, no. It’s already happening. You’re fighting!” Reagan curled into her side of the seat and gave a dramatic sigh. “I’ve been thinking that I should go back to LA, but Ben is still calling and I do not want to get slapped by his wife again. I didn’t even know he was married. I wish I had gotten some fighting skills. Or even a backbone. I would’ve punched Ben in the nuts for making me hurt another woman. And I would’ve corrected Slappy Sally when she called me a homewrecking whore.”

I narrowed my eyes and turned to face her. “Give me their names and numbers, baby. I’ll handle it.”

“I’m a fucking cop, Theo. Maybe don’t say shit like that in my squad car.” He hesitated. “Maybe go ahead and get that information, though. So I can make sure you don’t do anything crazy with it.”

“You’re not leaving, Reagan. You belong here.” Charlie pulled her foot back into his grip and massaged. “You also need to be nicer to yourself. You have a backbone. A sexy one. What you don’t have are shoes or an ability to handle your Lunar Eclipses.”

“I think Megan took your shoes.” August turned down his driveway and frowned. “Don’t get out until one of us helps you. The rocks will hurt your feet.”

“Where are we?” Out of her seatbelt and leaning forward between August and me, Reagan spotted his house in the distance and a wide smile stretched across her lips. “Auggie’s house! I love your house. And I love Hunter. Can Hunter come inside?”

I raised my eyebrows. “You’ve been to Auggie’s house, huh?”

Reagan tilted her head to study me and her lips pursed. “Um…”

“Spit it out.”

“I came with Auggie and Charlie and we played truth or dare.” Her eyes widened and her cheeks burned bright, even in the dark truck interior. “And then we had really, really good sex and cuddled. I didn’t spit it out. The next morning. I swallowed.”

August parked a little too quickly, making Reagan lose her balance. She stumbled forward and August easily caught her and dragged her out of the truck. Tossing her over his shoulder, he looked in at me as he gripped the top of the truck. “We good?”

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