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The 7 Day Stand

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Come on Savi,now’s not the time to choke. You can do this, just start singing. This one is for you, Trent Lane.

The heat of the spotlight beaming down on me, the lack of air-conditioning paired with the alcohol in my body is making me perspire. I can feel every thump of the bass under my feet. My throat goes bone dry. My eyes find Venice and Hannah as they move to stand at the front of the stage. They nod encouragingly and I exhale and somehow the lyrics start falling out of my mouth.

The crowd start to cheer and sing along with me which helps rid the nerves fluttering around wildly in my belly. By the second verse of the song, I was singing my heart out. Microphone in hand I’m dancing my way through the crowd singing. My gaze locks with a pair of piercing grey eyes across the room and I almost forget the lyrics to the song and the ability to breathe.

Slowly I make my way over to his table and he watches me intently. All of my natural instincts scream at me to back away, but I can’t fight the pull that is drawing me to him. “I think of you every night and day, you took my heart, and you took my pride away,” I sing the lyrics to him, and he watches me, the corner of his lip quirks ever so slightly.

I circle around him, my finger lightly trailing over the exposed flesh of his forearm where the sleeves of his shirt have been rolled up to his elbows displaying part of his tattoo. Those molten eyes of his follow me fervently and I keep mine on his while I sing and slowly back away toward the stage.

The song comes to an end, and we’ve yet to break eye contact. The loud cheer and applause from the crowd broke me out of the trance this gloriously beautiful yet mysterious man has sucked me into.

“Oh my God, Savi that was so awesome!” Hannah squeals, hugging me. I tear my eyes away from his and laugh as the girls drag me back toward the bar.

“You absolutely rocked it babe, I’m so proud of you. See, you’re a total badass!” Vee gushes with a grin and orders us another round of drinks. I’m sure it’s the alcohol I have flowing through my veins, but my body is thrumming with this uncontrollable exhilaration. After taking all those shots, I’m suddenly feeling rather sober. My stomach however protests the idea of having any more alcohol.

“Girls, my God, that honestly felt so… nerve-wracking yet invigorating all at the same time.” I admit with a chuckle. “Holy crap, did you see that guy. When I walked over to him my heart almost tore right through my chest it was beating so hard and fast. Seriously girls, how drunk am I? I’m not imagining him right, he really is that hot?”

“Hell yes he is. Savi, the man hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you since,” Hannah tells me with a girlish grin. “If you still want to play on the wild side, why not go over there and… kiss him?” I gape at her wide-eyed.

“What?” I stammer and shake my head. “Don’t be ridiculous, I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Vee jumps in. “He’s clearly interested, he’s practically eye-fucking you from across the room.” She justifies and I chew my bottom lip contemplatively.

He is? Before I could stop myself my eyes veer over to him and sure enough, he is still watching me. My belly warms when the corner of his lip quirks while he continues watching me.

“Well, for starters he’s clearly older than me, what if he’s married or in a relationship? I can’t just go and plant my lips on a guy I don’t even know.” I defend but they both just stare at me blankly.

“First of all, older guys are way better in bed.” Vee states with a chef’s kiss. “Secondly, Savi, the entire reason for us coming out tonight was for that specific purpose, remember? I can sniff out a man that knows his way around a woman and babe, that tall glass on sin right there is your guy. If you’re not going for him in the next five minutes, I will.” She finishes and leans into my ear, a devious smirk on her beautiful face. “I dare you.”

A drink is set down before me in a tall glass, Jonas smiles handsomely, “It seems you’ve caught someone’s attention. This is for you…it’s called foreplay.” He says and looks over my shoulder in the direction of the silver fox.

“Well, if that isn’t a clear sign he’s interested, I don’t know what is.” Hannah states grinning at me wildly.

I swallow thickly, my throat suddenly bone dry. I pick up the drink and lean my back against the bar while I take a slow sip, keeping my eyes on his. The liquid burns on the way down and I shudder a little. The rim of the glass is coated with a purple sugar that instinctively has me licking my lips and I almost moan against the sweet and sour taste. What is that?

“Mm, oh my God, this is delicious,” I coo taking another sip. Jonas leans against the bar near my ear and speaks softly.

“The sugar on the rim mixed with the drink makes you want to constantly lick your lips, craving more of that sweet yet tangy taste…hence the name foreplay.” He explains. “Trust me, take a sip of that just before you kiss him and watch him devour your mouth.”

Okay, I can do this. I’m fearless. I’m a confident, intelligent woman. “Here goes nothing,” I utter and before I lose my nerve I walk over to his table. I take a sip of the drink as I approach him. The silver fox’s eyes find and hold mine, they narrow while he watches me walking the short distance toward him over the rim of the glass as he also takes a long sip of his drink.

As I approach him, he spins a little on his stool, so his body is facing me directly. His entire demeanor just exudes confidence and I’d be lying if that didn’t moisten my panties that much more. He has one foot resting on the ground and the other is perched up on the metal footrest. I couldn’t focus on anything around me but him and the intent look he held in his eyes. My stomach tenses a little more with each step and before my brain could process and impede my idiocy or talk me out of it my lips are latched onto his.

Oh, sweet lord.

I couldn’t explain what I felt in that moment if my life depended on it. All I can focus on is the silkiness of his lips against mine and the feel of his stubble scratching my chin, oh and the low groan that emits from him. I’m aware this is going to sound bizarre and so incredibly cliché, but it almost feels as though my lips were made just for him.

The first two seconds we both go stock still, even though I kissed him I’m just as stunned as he likely is. I can’t believe I did it. My eyes are closed, I don’t dare open them in fear of being met with a stormy glare. Nevertheless, even with my eyes closed, I can still sense him staring at me. His chiseled jaw ticks under my hands where I have them placed on either side of his face.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What if he’s mad? This is going to be awkward.

I start to draw back and just as I do, he gently catches my lower lip between his teeth. A quiet moan inadvertently escapes me when he sucks on my lip teasingly. I feel his hand come up and grip my hip, he draws me between his legs while his tongue dexterously sneaks into my mouth seeking out my own. If it wasn’t for the tight grip that he has on me, I would honestly melt into a puddle right there between his legs.

Fireworks explode behind my eyelids when our tongues sensually glide over one another. The taste of him and the whiskey he’s been drinking combined is simply intoxicating. He kisses me with long and commanding strokes of his tongue that leaves my mind as well as my limbs weak.

Everyone and everything but the two of us quickly disappears. My hand moves from his jaw to the nape of his neck, my fingers find and stroke the fuzzy short hair at the base of his neck as our kiss deepens. The gesture causes a deep throaty groan of gratification to emit from him which then cascades right through me.

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