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The 7 Day Stand

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“You should be pleased; you’ve ruined all other men for me.” I drawl teasingly, ghosting my mouth over his. Logan’s eyes stare into mine for the longest moment, his gaze so intense my breath hitches in my throat.

“I should be, and while I can’t stop you, I’m not particularly thrilled by the thought of another man touching you either.” He tells me evenly, lowering his eyes to my mouth. “I want you to be mine and mine alone but going in we both knew this was going to be a short-term thing given the significant age-gap between us,” he explains and drags his eyes back up to meet mine. I knew it. The knot in my stomach slowly starts to sink as the disappointment settles in. “I want to keep seeing you Savannah, I know I shouldn’t, but I’m not ready to walk away from this yet.”

My heart does a little flutter. I’m not ready to walk away from whatever it is either, in fact the thought of not seeing him again physically hurts. We may not have a future, but we can still enjoy what little time we do have—however long that may be.

“I’d like to keep seeing you, too.” I tell him and he smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. I don’t have much time to dwell on it because he closes the gap between our lips and kisses me long and deep, chasing away every thread of doubt I had screaming at the back of my mind.

We agreed to a ‘no-strings’ fling. We’ll let it run its course and by the end of summer, which is in eight weeks we’ll end it.

Sweet and casual, no expectations, no titles.

The following morning, I’m sat on a stool at the breakfast bar in our kitchen talking to Hannah and sipping on my second cup of coffee. “I had to put my earphones in because it was the only way I was getting any sleep with the two of you fucking like two jackrabbits on heat in there.” Hannah gushes with a giggle and I grin into my coffee mug. “Three hours bitty, with no breaks in between, the man is a machine.”

“Shhhh.” I lean over and look back down the corridor to ensure the door to the bedroom is still closed. “Keep it down, I don’t want him to hear you.”

Hannah gapes at me wide eyed and grins, “Oh please, I spent the night listening to the man orgasm—which is hot as fuck by the way— so I’m sure he wouldn’t mind overhearing my bitching about your nightlong fuckfest. I assure you Savi, that man bares no shame whatsoever about what he did to you or who overheard.”

I press my lips together to smother the grin tugging at the corners of my mouth. The bedroom door opens and Logan walks out dressed in a crisp black suit and white shirt. When I see Hannah’s jaw drop and she watches him awestruck, I frown before looking back and almost groan out loud.

Cheese on rice the man looks insane in a suit, so much so that I have the urge to slide off the stool, grab him by the tie and drag him back to the bedroom and beg him to do wicked things to me.

Those grey eyes lock with mine while he strides over to me, “Morning.” He greets with a smile and brushes a kiss to my forehead. I swoon when his aftershave surrounds me. “I don’t believe we’ve officially met. I’m Logan.” He stretches his hand out to Hannah and she stares at it briefly before sliding hers into his.

“Hannah, it’s nice to finally meet the man that’s been keeping our Bitty busy.” Hannah says giving me a sidelong look.

I roll my eyes at the nickname. How humiliating. Logan turns his gaze down to me, his eyes filled to the brim with amusement. “Bitty?” he questions with a smirk.

Hannah chuckles, “She hates the nickname, but we call her Bitty because she was the smallest student in our high school.”

I widen my eyes and mouth the words shut up to Hannah when Logan wasn’t looking, and she grins back at me toothily. “Well, the best things do come in small packages.” He drawls amiably, his eyes gazing meaningfully into mine while I gaze up at him as he takes hold of my chin and brushes a chaste kiss to my lips.

“I need run sweetheart, I’ve got a meeting in forty-five minutes,” he tells me pulling away. I nod and slip off the stool to walk him to the door. “It was nice meeting you Hannah. Oh and apologies if we kept you up last night, she may be small but she’s not quiet.”

I gasp slapping his shoulder and he laughs heartily. “You’re one to talk,” I mutter affronted, my cheeks burning beet red while I push him toward the door. Logan rounds in on me when we’re out of sight and Hannah’s earshot.

“You love the way I talk and I’m crazy about the way you scream for me.” I moan when he hooks an arm around my waist and yanks me up against him and kisses me feverishly. We pull apart and eyes still closed he presses his forehead to mine. “Come to Istanbul with me.”

My eyes flutter open and I draw my head back so I could look up at him properly. “What?”

“I’m going to Istanbul for an exhibition next week. I need to arrange a get together out there to entertain some investors. I want you to come with me as my event coordinator.” He explains combing his fingers through my hair while I look up at him utterly stunned.

“To Istanbul?” I ask incredulously, he nods, and I blink up at him wordlessly, my brows furrowed. All of a sudden, my brain is incapable of forming a coherent sentence.

“Savi, I want you out there with me. My work stuff will be done in a day and then we’ll have three days together. You’ll love Istanbul, it’s one of the best cities in the world."

I sigh, “Logan, even if I wanted to, I can’t. My boss would never allow it. I’m just an intern, I’m not fully qualified to coordinate any events on my own yet.”

Logan frowns, “What about the one you did Saturday night?”

“God, that was barely an event. It was an extravagant dinner party for some socialite for like fifty guests—which I had a couple of weeks to prepare for, mind you. You’re asking me to plan an event for next week in a city I’ve never been to and know absolutely nothing about.” I explain in a flurry and try to step away, but he takes hold of my shoulders and draws me back to him.

“Sweetheart, mine will barely be fifteen people. I can hire someone else to plan the event for me, but the whole idea is that I get to take you out there with me.” Logan states, stroking his fingers along my jaw. “I saw what you did in that restaurant and that’s exactly the kind of thing I’m looking for. You can do this in your sleep, I know you can.”

“My boss—” I interject but he presses his finger to my lip silencing me.

“Don’t worry about your boss, all you have to do is say yes and I’ll take care of the rest.” God, the way he’s looking at me like I’m the only thing in the world makes me want to scream yes at the top of my lungs. Four days in a beautiful city alone with Logan sounds like an absolute dream come true. “Just say yes, baby,” he whispers, brushing a tender kiss to my lips.

Oh, fuck it.

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