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Sold to My Ex's Dad (The Auction)

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I reached out to take his hand to offer some comfort, but I desperately want him to continue the story.

"Once I graduated high school and started college, I used the allowance that my parents give me to hire a nanny to help with Brett while I went to school. I moved out to my parent's guest cottage, and they didn't charge me rent even though they probably should have. While I built my company, I kept the nanny on. Later, when my parents died, I merged my dad's company into mine and set it up so that I could be home as much as possible with Brett. I didn't want him raised solely by nannies. I did my best to be at every event and I can count the ones I had to miss on my hand."

I know he was a good father. Even Brett would say that they may have had their disagreements and may not have agreed on things, but Brett knew how lucky he was. He never took that for granted, but it doesn't seem like the right time to mention that.

"During that time, his mother saw him when it was convenient. Maybe a few times a year. Though she did remember to send a birthday card and a Christmas present. It seemed like all the time she tried to get money from me, but the only instances that I would give her money was for her to take Brett out to do something. Mainly because I wasn't going to deny him time with his mother simply because she couldn't afford it. His mom died when he was fourteen. A drunk driver hit her, but she had been drinking as well. The authorities determined that both of the drivers had tried to swerve to miss each other and that's what caused them to crash into each other. Brett doesn't know that his mom was also drunk and partly at fault for that accident, so I'd appreciate it if you would keep that to yourself. I'd rather him think good things about his mother."

"Of course, I completely understand. Has there been anyone else since her?"

"No one serious enough for Brett to meet, and not a single person since I met you."

Chapter 8


Last night I barely slept at all. I just kept thinking about how right it felt to have her in my bed and in my arms. It became crystal clear that this was about so much more than just sex for me, and it was never going to be about just sex. And then somewhere in the early hours, I made the decision that I was going to keep her.

Yes, my decision to stay with her is going to cause problems with Brett. But I know he wants me to be happy. He's told me so many times and he's asked how come he never sees me date. While this isn't exactly what he meant, he will come around. He never did really deserve her, nor did he treat her right. In hopes that she'll want to stay with me at the end of the week and never want to leave, I plan to show her how she should be treated. Little things like noticing her make her coffee, so tomorrow I’ll know exactly how she likes it.

Watching her, I can see she's still a bit flustered with my confession. That's all right. It might take her some time to understand that I'm not going to hold things back. If I'm going to demand honesty from her, the least I can do is offer it in return.

"Eat up, baby girl, so we can go get your stuff resolved." That seems to kick her back into gear and she begins eating again. The moment she's done, she flies upstairs to go get ready. It almost as if she can't get away from me fast enough. I clean up the kitchen and follow her with a smile on my face. Knowing that she's going to be in my bedroom when I go up, I love seeing her there.

When we get to her house, she opens the door and lets me in, but she still seems a little unsure of herself.

"Go pack a bag of whatever you'll need for the next week," I tell her and she scurries off upstairs while I get a good look around her house. The funeral is the only other time I was ever here, and at that point I was more focused on taking care of her than actually looking around. Plus, the place was full of people.

Knowing her story and that her mom bought this place as a single mother, I can appreciate it. By far, it's nicer than the pool house Brett and I were living in when I went to school, and it's even bigger than the first place that we had together after I graduated. It feels like a home with photos everywhere and has been nicely decorated. On the wall by the door are a bunch of photos of Aspen and her mom. One is Aspen in her cap and gown at her high school graduation. I remember that day as I was there for Brett's graduation. They were still dating at the time, and I was so damn proud of her. She was glowing from ear to ear, and her mom just continued to gush about how proud she was of her.

That night, Brett and Aspen went to a friend's graduation party, and I was so sure that they were having sex. Especially since they went to prom together. I've got to say I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong.

When she comes down the stairs with her suitcase in her hand, I rush to take it from her. Then she walks into the kitchen area and picks up a thick binder off the dining room table.

"What’s that?" I ask nodding towards the binder.

"It's all my mom's medical bills that have to be paid."


No wonder she was so desperate to earn money.

"Will you let me handle that? I want you to just relax this week. I know how much stress you have been under. Please let me do this for you."

She hugs the binder to her chest tightly and shakes her head.

"Oh no. You have already done so much. I can't ever thank you enough."

But when I think of her mouth around my cock, well, that would be plenty of thanks. But for now, I keep that to myself. Instead, I go for a different truth.

"I like taking care of you. Please let me." Making sure to keep my voice soft as I watch her struggle with an internal battle.

"You’ll use the money from last night, right?" she asks.


I hate to lie to her but she wouldn't agree with any other way to use the money. But what I gave her last night is for her to do whatever she wants to do. However, I will pay off these bills and take care of her, but that would be without touching a single cent of that money. By the time she realizes what I did, there will be no way to change it.

She finally nods and hands over the binder. Watching, I can visibly see a weight lift off her shoulders. She smiles at me and seems so much more like the carefree girl I met the first time Brett brought her home.

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