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Only With Me (With Me 2)

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Unlocking the back door, I stepped into the hallway. One side housed the restrooms, storage room, and cleaning closet. The other side was my office. I’d converted the two existing offices into one when I bought the bakery. It was where I lived for the first six months after I bought the place. It was convenient when I had to get up at three in the morning to start baking.

Stepping into my office, I grabbed my apron, tied it on and took in a deep breath. Glancing around the space, I grinned. I love this place. I still couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to get the second and third floors when they became available.

The top floor was my apartment. Two bedrooms and two and a half baths. The remodel took forever, but it was worth it. That’s when I met Charity. We instantly hit it off and when I learned she loved to bake, we became business partners.

“Hey, what are you doing here on your day off?”

I jumped when Liza spoke. “Shit! You scared me,” I said as Liza stood there staring at me with a smile on her face. Liza worked at the bakery part-time while she went to culinary school.

“Thank God you’re here!” Max cried out.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“That woman! I want to hit her in the face so hard she won’t remember her name for a month!”

My eyes widened as Liza laughed. “Oh yeah. Ms. Loft. She’s still here.”

“What?” I gasped.

“I’m telling you, Gabi. You need to ban her. Ban. Her,” Max said as he pushed his hand through his short brown hair.

With a moan, I replied, “All right, let’s go get this taken care of.”

Pulling my long, blonde hair up into a ponytail, I cracked my neck, popped my knuckles and got ready to deal with the worst customer on the planet. If she was in New Jersey, she probably would have been taken out by a friend who knew a friend.

I walked into the main area of the bakery. With a smile, I glanced around at the handful of people who filled the tables. I mainly served dessert, with a few options for salads and cold sandwiches, so it made my heart happy to know my creations were bringing people in. For years I was told I needed to add wine to the menu. It hadn’t been announced yet, but the second floor was being turned into an upscale wine bar. A dream of my father’s that I was making my own reality.

“Well, it’s about time you showed up.”

Ms. Loft jumped up and made her way over to me. “Where are the zeppoles?”

I was about to answer her when the bell on the front door chimed, I glanced that way, strangely drawn to see who was coming in. Everything stood still, as if time had ceased for a few brief moments. Opening my mouth to talk, I was stunned into silence. A burst of excitement and curiosity for the man who walked in caused tingles throughout my body.

Holy. Crap’ole.

I’d never in my life seen a guy so drop-dead gorgeous. My eyes roamed his perfectly fit body. Dark hair, sun-kissed skin, and stubble. Damn . . . I loved stubble. Then my gaze landed on his shirt.

Colorado SWAT.

Oh yes. A police officer. How I loved a man in uniform.

My eyes took another gander over his body. Black pants, black boots, and a gun strapped to his side.

Hot. As. Hell.

What would it feel like to be under such a guy like that? The thought alone made my panties wet.

Ugh. Stop it, Gabi. What in the hell is wrong with you?

He walked over to the counter where Liza was attempting to wipe the drool from her mouth. There was something about this guy that kept my attention drawn to him. I’d seen plenty of good-looking men, but this guy. He seemed . . . different. So very different.

That broad chest. Those delicious arms. I bet he could pick a girl up and fu . . .

“Did you hear what I said, Gabi?”

Ms. Loft’s voice pulled me from my naughty thoughts. Good lord. What is the matter with me?

“Is it hot in here?” I asked as I fanned myself and looked around. “Do we need to turn the AC on in here?”

Ms. Loft’s expression hardened. “What? Stop changing the subject.”

I really didn’t want to be dealing with crazy lady right now. I wanted to walk away, push Liza to the ground and finish helping Officer Dreamy.

Liza laughed and my eyes swung back to the counter. I was instantly jealous that Liza was talking to him.


Putting my fingers to my temple, I groaned. “What in the hell?” I mumbled.

“What was that?”

I lifted my head and glared at Ms. Loft. “I didn’t make zeppoles today. I don’t guarantee certain things to be made every single day.”

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