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Much Ado About Dukes

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And as if to prove his point, he easily took the stairs. He climbed to the landing with no effort, then strode smoothly toward the west wing.

They passed endless pictures of military exploits and ancient Greek vases placed precariously on Grecian columns.

The house was magnificent. Elegant. And yet she only had eyes for him. She loved the feel of her arms about his neck, his body so comfortably carrying hers.

Will paused before an elaborately engraved door. “Would you be of assistance, Beatrice?”

She blinked, still in a reverie at being so carried, then looked at the door handle. “Oh! Of course.”

“My hands are quite full,” he teased gently.

“So they are,” she hastily agreed. Quickly, she turned the golden handle, and the door swung open on well-oiled hinges.

He took her through and kicked the door shut behind him.

It was a surprising and rather exciting gesture.

She bit her lower lip. She’d never thought she would get this chance. Yet here she was, about to experience carnal delights.

It was both thrilling and a touch daunting.

Moonlight spilled in through the many windows at the end of the long chamber, blue rays bathing them in a summer silver light.

Slowly, he slipped her down so that her body pressed to his as her slippered toes touched the elaborately woven rug.

The sensation of her sliding down his front sent a shiver of anticipation racing through her. “Should I…? Are you going to…?”

He cocked his head to the side, contemplating her. “Are you nervous, Beatrice?”

“No.” She grimaced. “Yes. I confess I am. I have no idea how this goes. No one has explained it.”

His brows drew together. “No one?”

She swallowed, determined not to be embarrassed. “Just books…”

He smiled at her encouragingly. “I dearly love that you love to read.”

“Thank you, but they’re not very instructive in what I should do or say.”

He lifted his hand and gently stroked a lock of hair back from her face. “There is no script, Beatrice. Nothing is prescribed. We can do what we wish. What do you wish to do?”

She gazed up at him, amazed by the offer. She had been rather led to believe that husbands controlled these things. But he was offering her a choice. Her heart swelled with appreciation and relief. “I want to know what it’s all about.”

He shook his head. “All about?”

“Why people are so excited about it,” she explained quickly. “Why there’s so much gossip.”

He nodded, understanding dawning on his features. But then his breathing changed. It grew heavier as if he had been walking for a long time. “I think I shall have to show you.”

She swallowed. “Will…”

“Yes?” he queried, though he seemed distracted by whatever he intended to show her.

“I have a request,” she whispered.

His brows rose ever so slightly. “I’m glad. A lady should always make requests of a gentleman when they are together intimately.”

“Truly?” she asked, surprised again.

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