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The Filthy One

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“Who the fuck are you?”

Kai and I speak at the same time, earning us an amused tilt of Marco’s lips. That’s when I see the long-stemmed red rose that he’s been hiding behind his back as he holds it out to me and bows like I’m nobility.

“I know a guy.” Of fucking course he does. “It’s ten minutes short of twenty-four hours.”

Warily, I take the rose, closing my eyes as I inhale the sweet scent. A heavy weight bumps my finger, surprising me. Looking down at the stem, I gasp when I notice the white gold, princess-cut diamond engagement ring sitting there like a dompter of thorns.

“What the f—”

“Dolcezza, what did I say about that language?” Snapping my mouth shut, not because I want to spare him my lashing out, but to avoid doing it in front of Kai—who’s looking between us like he can’t understand a single word we’re saying.

“Ten minutes.” Marco whispers as he takes the opposite hand from the one Kai was holding earlier and caresses my ring finger with his thumb. Then, he turns to Kai and, with a growl that hardly seems justified, addresses his comment from before he walked inside the room.

“River doesn’t need protecting. She’s not a victim, she’s a fighter.” His gaze lands on me again, and all I see is awe until he turns right back to Kai. “A queen ruling side by side with her king.”

Kai turns to me, confused. Pointing a thumb in Marco’s direction he asks, “Who the fuck is this guy? A wannabe Good Fella?” I don’t miss the sneer from Marco, but I don’t address it either. In that ultimate moment, I make a decision.

I look at the big picture.

I think about my future, my investments, my ambitions.

In that moment, I think about myself. Not Kai, not my brother. Not even Nathaniel.

Right then, without a trace of doubt in my voice, I decide.

“He’s my fiancé.”



It goes without saying, Kai wasn’t happy about my decision. Hell, I’m not even sure I’m completely happy with it, but I could have fucking died—if it hadn’t been for my own personal guardian angel, Mr. Bobby. I’m allowed to be selfish and think of my own happiness for once.

Petal’s always talking about how the universe works in mysterious ways, how it will give people signs and lessons to lead them to their best lives. But sometimes they aren’t always what you’d expect, they can come in the form of great happiness or great tragedy. Those are often the moments when decisions need to be made, whether they be large or small, and they can affect so much more than you’d ever imagine.

I’m guessing that’s what Mr. Bobby meant by telling me to look at the bigger picture. And though it guts me inside to even think of him not being here, I won’t let his sacrifice be wasted.

Freya actually turned up about five minutes ago and practically dragged Kai out of my hospital room before he had the chance to bitch about my announcement. Although, not before her sour face turned to all the false niceties when she spotted Marco in here too.

I get why she doesn’t trust Kai alone with me, I’m not stupid, but she needs to tone it down a few gazillion notches because all the red flags are flying over there.

Marco followed them out, tapping at his sparkling gold wristwatch on the way, like the asshole he is. So now, I’m on my own again, in a bright white hospital room, on the most uncomfortable bed in the world, wearing the most hideous hospital gown I could have ever imagined. Bare back and all.

But all those things aren’t what’s bothering me. I allow a tear to fall from my watery eyes as I remember Mr. Bobby. The serene smile on his face when he whispered his wife’s name. The kindness and love in his eyes, even as they were dimming. And even the small squeeze of my hand before I—

Wait a minute. The text message. I remember reading a text on my phone. It has the answer, I’m sure of it. What did it say?

“Where’s my phone?” I’m talking to myself, but I don’t care. I can’t recall what the message said, I just know it was important somehow. My movements are stiff, my body achy all over, but it could be worse. I probably need a good stretch and I’ll be fine. Sitting all the way up, I look to the bedside table, holding half a glass of water and my rose. No phone.

The ring on my left hand still feels heavy on my finger, and I can’t help but love the way it sparkles in the light when I move around. Maybe I’ll wear it on a different finger when this is all over. After all, Marco did say I could keep everything he bought for me as part of the contract.

Anyway, phone. Sliding out of bed, I pull off the wires stuck to my body and bend down to look in the cupboard. Nope. Not in there either.

“What a good little wife you’ll make. You’ve got that position nailed, Dolcezza.”

“What the fuck, Marco?” Spinning around, my heart is racing in my chest and my eyes are wide.

“I’m going to put my dick into that sassy little mouth of yours right here and now if you curse again.” He doesn’t move from the door and his arms are folded across his chest, making his muscles look like they’re trying to escape through the seams of the black button-down shirt he’s wearing.

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