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Surrendering Series Box Set

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“Four and two. Gracie and Fiona.” Fuck you evolution for making a guy who is good with children so fucking attractive. Especially right now.

“Those are good ages.”

“They’re great. So, how was your weekend?” Oh, now we’re talking about me again.

“It was fine. Boring.” I wasn’t going to go into details. He didn’t need to know details. We were keeping this professional.

“Sometimes boring is the best kind of weekend.”

“Exactly.” Ugh, awkward moment.

“Well, I should let you get to work. I wouldn’t want to take up too much of your time, Miss Clarke.” Oh, that was a dig if there ever was one.

I almost let it go, but I leaned toward him and whispered in his ear and ignored how nice he smelled.

“Don’t be a dick.”

“I seem to recall you sucking on mine. I can’t seem to get the image out of my head. Those perfect lips wrapped around my c—“ I didn’t let him finish as I went to my office and shut the door.

Then I made sure my pants were smooth (thankfully, I didn’t have an erect penis to hide), went to my desk, sat down and got my ass to work.


By lunch, I almost felt like my old self, pre-Lucas. We were getting ready to launch a new product in the coming months, and pretty soon I was going to be spending nights and weekends here while trying to make sure everything was on track and deal with the inevitable insanity that accompanied a new release.

I had to be extra bitchy, and I’d already yelled at three people who hadn’t done what I’d asked them to for the third time. Everyone else was working hard, except for Mr. Craig, who had bailed for golf again. It was so cool that if I did the same thing, I would have been out on my ass a long time ago. Or maybe not. Dad probably would have given me a stern talking to and I never would have done it again.

I didn’t actually mind the crazy and even looked forward to it. Everyone got hopped up on caffeine and went without sleep and lived on takeout, but it helped bring the team together to go through something like that. There’s no other bonding experience like it.

There was only one problem. I didn’t want to do any further bonding with Lucas. Mr. Blaine. We had bonded quite enough already.

But then there was a knock at my door and there he was, invading my space and talking with that voice and looking at me with those eyes.

“It’s almost time for your meeting,” he said, pointing at the clock above my door.

“I know.”

“Well. I just thought I would let you know so you didn’t miss it.”

“Thank you, Mr. Blaine.” I didn’t point out that he could have called me to let me know. I expected him to leave, but he lingered, with only his head inside my office and the rest of him on the other side of the door.

“I’m sorry I was a dick.” He shut the door before I could say anything.

Well, that was progress.


We made more progress over the next week, and I got to the point where I only got a lady boner every other time I saw him, and his lusty looks to non-lusty looks ratio went from 99:1 to 70:30. If we could get it down to 50:50, that would be great.

By the time Friday rolled around, I was ready for the weekend. All the girls and I were going out to the bar on Saturday and I’d messaged Fin asking him to come, but then I started second-guessing myself. I mean, it was going to be him and four women. Most guys would think that was some kind of fantasy, but when you actually put them in that situation, it would be completely overwhelming. I was sure Fin could handle it, but I didn’t want him to get weirded out and then never hang out with us again.

“Any fun plans for the weekend?” Mr. Blaine said as we both walked toward the elevator. It was an innocuous question, but I could tell he was really interested.

“Oh, nothing earth-shattering.” Or panty-shattering. Or ripping.

“Hm.” The doors closed and the air suddenly got thin and hard to breathe, like we were on Everest or something.

Oxygen. I needed oxygen.

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