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Surrendering Series Box Set

Page 54

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My phone rang, and I had kind of expected it.

“Hello, Aurora Clarke. If you’ll proceed to the front door, just tell the doorman who you are and you can come right in.” I looked up at the building, but there was no way he could see me from his place unless he had night vision binoculars. Well, that was a creepy thought.

“I’m standing in the lobby. I can see you,” he said, as if sensing my reluctance.

I looked into the lobby and saw him through the glass doors. He waved one hand and I waved back, feeling a little foolish. The doorman let me in when I said my name and Lucas came forward to meet me. He was casual as well, in another band shirt and faded jeans.

“You look great, as always,” he said, kissing my cheek.

“Thanks.” He took my bag from me, and grabbed my hand as we walked toward the elevator.

“This feels like a date,” I said.

“Do you want it to be a date?” I looked at him as the elevator started to rise.

“No. I mean, if this is a date, then that means we are dating, which means that we need to put a label on it, and that’s not what this is. You and me, we’re nights. Just nights. I have to draw the line.”

“Okay, then this isn’t a date. But I have a few requests for this nights-only arrangement.”


“Call me Lucah.” I still wanted to know why he wanted me to, but I knew he wasn’t going to tell me why. This man was a deep well and I didn’t think he was going to let me see the bottom. Not that I should try. He wasn’t my boyfriend and I wasn’t falling in love with him.

“Okay, I can do that. Anything else?”

“I don’t think we should discuss work or the office.”

“Yes, that’s another good one. I also think we should keep this arrangement to ourselves. I told Sloane that I had to work all night, so that’s where she thinks I am.”



“Do you want to put this in writing and then shred it?” I poked him with my elbow.

“No, I think I can trust you.”

“Ah, that will be your misfortune. I may suddenly but inevitably betray you.” Wait. Hold up.

“Did you just quote Firefly?” I said.

He kept a straight face as we walked toward his door and he unlocked it.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

His apartment was spotless as usual. He had a very minimalist decorating style, and it worked for him, but I wished there were more personal items around so I could get a better sense of him. No pictures, no little knickknacks from trips or any extraneous things. It was a bit odd, but I guess he was just that kind of guy.

“So you said you loved pizza, but have you ever tried it with truffles?” That must be the amazing smell that had taken over his apartment. There were two pizza boxes on the counter and a few other containers with things in them.

“I haven’t, but my roommate makes truffle mac and cheese and that’s to die for.” He took my bag and set it in the bedroom, then came back and put his arms around me.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all day. Do you know how hard it is not to cross the space between us during the day and put my arms around you? And my hands on you?” As he spoke his hands traveled down my back and cupped my ass.

I shook my head and pulled away.

“You’re not supposed to talk about the place-that-must-not-be-spoken-of.”

“How could I have broken that rule already? Are you going to punish me?” he said with a wicked smile.

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