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Surrendering Series Box Set

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The next day at work was even worse. There were actually people with cameras and microphones and so forth camped outside the building the next morning. I was grateful I was having a good hair day, because they definitely took pictures of me and asked me questions that I responded with, “No comment.” I’d kind of always wanted to say that, but it turned out it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

More phone calls. Word had gotten out to some of our clients and I basically got screamed at all day, and repeated the same thing over and over until I had to check my face to make sure it wasn’t blue.

I didn’t get a lunch because I didn’t have an assistant to bring me one. Fortunately, Dad ordered out and had sandwiches delivered for everyone. I inhaled two of them and then went back to getting yelled at.

I missed Lucah. He was the only thing that could have made this not horrible. I could just picture him making faces at me, or throwing paper airplanes, or texting me dirty things. I looked at my shoe paperweight and my WORLD’S GREATEST BOSS mug and I texted him saying that I missed him. He refused to tell me what he’d done all day the day before, but I had so much else on my mind I didn’t have enough energy to try to get it out of him.

Want me to come and make it better?

If only that were possible.

I wish. But you can’t. I’ll see you tonight.

He answered me back, but I had to answer the stupid phone, so I didn’t see his response until a half hour later.

I’m naked and waiting . . .

And this was accompanied by a shirtless picture of him on the couch, making a kissy face.

I gigglesnorted and put my phone back in my desk. I’d be getting a penis shot next if I wasn’t careful. Not that I didn’t want one, but I didn’t think I’d be able to handle it at work if I had to pick up the phone and be professional two seconds later.

I was actually able to get away by six, without Dad having to come and throw me out. But I was so exhausted that I hoped Lucah didn’t expect much from me in the sex department. I might fall asleep mid-coitus.

When I walked in, he greeted me wearing nothing but one of his ties and posed seductively against the back of his couch.

“Welcome home, Miss Clarke.” He fluttered his eyelashes and I burst into laughter because I was so tired and stressed and he was so sweet and ridiculous and I loved him.

“I am so tired right now, it hurts to laugh,” I said, slipping off my heels and stumbling over to him.

“Aw, Sunshine, you do look tired.”

“Thanks,” I said and rested my head against his chest.

“Hold on, I have a plan. You come and sit here.” He dragged me over to the couch and I collapsed on it, closing my eyes and resting my head on one of the pillows. I heard him walking around and I also heard water running.

I was so tired that I didn’t even think I could fall asleep, but just closing my eyes was bliss.

“Come here, Miss Clarke,” his voice said a few minutes later, and I propped my eyes open. It was not easy. He was still naked and tieless this time. “Put your arms around my neck.” I did and he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. The lights were off and there were a few scented candles burning.

“When did you buy scented candles?” I asked.

“Shh, don’t ask questions.” He set me down and started removing my clothes. The tub was full of steaming water and he must have added salts or something to it, because the water was frothy.

He got me naked and then helped me into the tub. Then got in behind me, pulling me into his chest.

“Oh my God, this feels unbelievable.” The warm water immediately went to work on my tense muscles and the steam made me feel a little more alert.

“You feel unbelievable.” He got out a loofah that I could tell was brand new and started working it up and down my arms and across my chest. I closed my eyes again and he started humming, his chest vibrating against my back.

“Rory?” he said.

“Hm?” I turned my head so I could see him out of the corner of my eye.

“I love you.” He said it so seriously, like it was the first time he was saying it instead of the hundredth.

“I love you, too.”

“I want you to move in with me. I want to see you all the time.” That was definitely mutual.

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