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Surrendering Series Box Set

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Was he talking about what I thought he was talking about? Or was I just reading too much into it?

“Go ahead,” I said.

“Later. Right now I just want to take you to the bedroom and fuck you until you’re screaming to the whole world about me.” And again, he’d shifted from serious to seductive. It was hard to follow, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t all for the fucking and the screaming. Well, the fucking at least. I was going to keep it down unless Ryder had put headphones in.


Ryder and I almost had another run-in the next day, only this time it was him who was caught with his pants down. I’d walked in on him taking a piss.

“Shit, sorry!” I said.

“Knock first!” he replied as I slammed the door. We were definitely going to need the sign about knocking, but for me more than anyone else.

I waited for him to emerge and my face just kept getting redder.

He came out and glared at me.

“If you want to take a peek, all you have to do is ask. I’ll give you the whole show.” He gestured to that area of his body and my face heated up some more.

“No thank you. I already have my own ginger to ogle. But I’ll consider your offer.” My attempt at being flippant was undone by the blush on my face.

“What’s happening?” Lucah said, coming out from getting dressed.

“Nothing,” Ryder and I said at the same time.

“Okay, that’s not suspicious.” I rolled my eyes at Ryder and he acted like I was the one who’d done something wrong.

“I almost walked in on him in the bathroom and he offered to give me a show. I declined. The end,” I said.

“Oh, if that’s all,” Lucah said, shrugging.

“I also told him that I had my own ginger to ogle. You’re welcome.” I pointed to my lips so he could give me a kiss to show his gratitude.

“Thank you, Sunshine,” he said and gave me a peck.

“What are you up to today?” Lucah asked Ryder.

“No good.”

“Fucking fantastic,” Lucah said. He seemed to be loosening up a lot about Ryder and his comments, which I was grateful for. I’d decided not to believe half of the things he said, which was probably a good policy.

“Well, make sure you take pictures and send them to me. Oh, and if you need to be bailed out of jail, my phone is going to be off,” Lucah added as he put his jacket on, and I grabbed my purse.

“Will do,” Ryder said, snapping his heels together and saluting. Lucah and I both shook our heads as we went to work.

“Your brother is something else.”

“So are you.”

“I’m hoping that’s a compliment.”

“For you, it is.” He stopped and gave me one of those middle of the forehead kisses that made me feel cherished and adored.

“I love you. Have I told you that today?” he said. We might be late for work, but I didn’t care. Moments like these were more important than being punctual.

“I think you did when you went down on me this morning. Or maybe I just imagined that.” He grinned and moved the kiss down to my lips, giving me just a little bit of tongue action. He was so good at that.

“Well. In case I didn’t, I love you.”

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