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Surrendering Series Box Set

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He came back just before five with a grin on his face.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, coming out of the second bedroom that I’d converted to my studio.

“Nothing. Lucah’s just an asshole sometimes.”

I had no idea what that was about, so I let it go.

“You’re vertical,” he said, noticing that I was standing up.

“Yup. It took a lot of effort, but here I am.” I hadn’t really gotten dressed, though. I’d just thrown on a tank top and a pair of shorts. No bra or underwear. Didn’t need ‘em.

“Great. So, I was thinking that we should make tonight really special.” He held his hand in front of his face to show me there was nothing in it, and then he snapped his fingers and held something out.

“What’s that?” I asked, coming over to see what was in his hand. It was an earring with a clear teardrop-shaped stone. If I didn’t know better, I’d say it was a diamond. Ryder held it up in front of my face and grinned.

“Pretty,” I said, not getting where this was going.

Ryder pretended to be confused.

“Oh, that’s right.” He reached behind my ear, and another earring, identical to the first, appeared.

“Cute,” I said. Taking my hand, he dropped both earrings into my palm and closed it around them.

“For me?” I asked.

“Of course. Who did you think they were for?”

I don’t know. No guy had ever given me jewelry before.

“They’re so pretty,” I said, studying them closer. The ear wires were a little bit tarnished. These were not new.

“Where did you get them?” I asked.

“They were my mother’s,” he said, his voice catching a little. “When my parents died, the three of us split up their jewelry. Since I didn’t trust myself with what I might do if I needed a fix, Ryder’s been keeping mine safe for me. We went to the bank and got them out of the safety deposit box a little while ago.”

I was suddenly seized with the fear that I would somehow drop or damage the precious jewelry in my hand. These weren’t just earrings. This was a piece of Ryder that he was sharing with me. Giving to me, along with his heart.

“Thank you so much, Ryder.” The earrings definitely weren’t my style, but that didn’t matter at all. I loved them so much. Immediately, I took out the hoops I’d slept in and set them on the side table next to my television and put in the ones he’d given me.

“How do they look?” I asked, pulling my hair back. Ryder touched the earring in my left ear.

“Perfect. I knew they would. They’re diamonds.”

Yikes. I was kind of hoping they were cubic zirconia.

“I don’t feel right wearing them,” I said. “I mean, what if something happens?”

“So? I still want you to have them. Even if we don’t stay together, I’ll always remember you and want you to have them.”

He did have a point, but I knew that if we did break up (hell, we hadn’t even discussed dating yet. Were we dating?), I would give them back to him. I couldn’t keep something like that.

“Speaking of being together,” he said, as if he’d read my mind.

“Yeah, we should probably talk about that,” I said.

“But first, I want the rest of my letters,” he said, walking toward the couch and sitting down.

“Sure, I’ll give you some privacy,” I said, walking back into my home studio.

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