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Surrendering Series Box Set

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Being the president of Clarke Enterprises was difficult. No wonder Dad had had a heart attack. I wanted to cry. Instead, I just made myself a list and did things a little at a time. I delegated anything I could to Lilia and Mrs. Andrews and tried not to beat myself up for not working faster. I had Lilia turn everyone away who didn’t have an immediate need for something from me. I couldn’t handle anything frivolous today. Just big-picture things.

There was a knock at my door and I was about to yell at whoever it was, but it turned out to be Violet.

“Hey, I know you’re busy, but I just wanted to say that if you need anything, I can help.” I wanted to leap over my desk and hug her.

“Are you sure?” She nodded and sat down across from me.

“Okay, I’m going to forward you the documents for the first quarterly report. All you have to do is look through them and see if there are any discrepancies or typos. If you see anything hinky, let me know. I’m going to have to look it over as well, but it would be better to have someone do it before I get my eyeballs on it. Oh, and if you could also put together the update on the new marketing plans ASAP, that would also be great.” It was a lot to ask, but she said she wanted to help.

“Sure, no problem. I can even stay late, if you need.” Wow, she was really kissing my ass. My initial reaction was that she was trying to get something out of me, but she’d had my back, and had been by my side even when Hal had tried to get her to be a spy for him.

“Thank you so much,” I said, one eye on my computer screen as three more emails popped up.

“Okay, great, well, I won’t keep you. I just wanted to let you know that I’m here if you need me.” Even though I hadn’t liked her at first, and still had some issues with the fact that she’d been the one to take Lucah’s virginity, she had become an asset to the company. I was glad she was here.

She gave me a smile and bumped into someone as she let herself out. It was Lucah, coming with lunch for me.

He held up the bags with a grin.

“I’m leaving you with these,” he said, coming over to leave them on my desk, “and this.” He gave me a kiss and then he was out the door again, as if he knew I was going to devour the food in a very unattractive way and wouldn’t want him there for that. Sure, I lived with him, but having him see me with my cheeks all puffed out as I shoved as much in my mouth as I could get without choking? It wasn’t pretty, that was for sure. Definitely something I didn’t want him to see.

I ate in record time and barely had time to stop and wipe my mouth before I was back at it. Word had gotten around, so I was getting email after email asking how Dad was and asking if I would be taking over such-and-such now. I did a lot of copying and pasting, which made things take a little less time.

Lilia knocked on my door and I looked up. My eyes were burning from staring so intently at my computer screen and I had to blink a few times to get her in focus.

“Sorry, I just wanted to let you know that it’s five.” What? I looked at the clock and she was right. I’d been working for four and a half hours straight. I’d even forgotten to pee, which I definitely needed to do right now. I got up from my desk and dashed to the bathroom. When I came back, Lilia and Lucah were in my office.

“We’re cutting you off,” he said.


“We’re cutting you off from working until the wee hours of the morning,” Lilia said. “If we don’t stop you, you’re going to do it.” I opened my mouth to protest, but I knew it would do no good. I could either stay here and fall asleep at my desk, or I could leave with my fiancé, go and give Dad an update which he was probably desperate to hear, go home, eat and maybe have some very tired sex before passing out in my own bed and sleeping harder than I’d ever slept.

I picked the second option, even though there were still documents that needed my approval and signature. Emails I needed to return. Financials to go over. Updates from every department that I needed to read. The list went on.

“You can’t run yourself into the ground on the first day,” Lucah said, taking my arm and then packing up my bag for me. Lilia gave me a look and I knew that I couldn’t fight both of them.

“Go home. Sleep. It will all be waiting for you when you get back tomorrow.” I sighed and pressed my lips together.

“I hate both of you.” Lucah lifted my arm and shoved it into my jacket before jamming the other arm in and settling it on my shoulders.

“No. You love us.” At a loss for a better response, I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my eyes.

“So mature,” he said.

“I’m too tired to be mature.” My feet hurt for some reason, even though I’d barely been on them. I wished I had my boots with me so I could change. Ah! I remembered the spare pair of flats that I had at the bottom of my purse for emergencies. I pulled them out and slipped them on.

“You okay?” he said, his eyebrows drawing together in concern.

“I’m not sure. My head hurts.” I’d been flirting with a headache all day and now it was starting to vibrate its way through the rest of my brain to come to rest behind my forehead.

“I’ve got some aspirin in my desk,” Lilia said, rushing to get the bottle and then pouring me a glass of water. Like I was an invalid.

“Thank you,” I said, taking the pills and water from her. Lucah and I slowly left the office, saying goodnight to Mrs. Andrews on the way.

“I’m going to stop by in a little while,” she said.

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