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Surrendering Series Box Set

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“Did that do anything for you?” he asked, but he wasn’t serious.

“Oh, yeah, baby. I wish I had a million dollars in ones right now,” I said. “I would stuff them everywhere.” I stroked his ass and he raised one eyebrow.

“Really?” I bit my lip.



Of course that little discussion led me to bring out a few of the fun things the girls had gotten me and we spent the next few hours experimenting and it was definitely mind-blowing. Thank God.


Monday morning was hell. It was awful. Totally awful.

“How was your weekend?” Lilia said, looking chipper and disgustingly cute in a polka dot blouse, yellow skirt and royal blue heels. She was wearing black-framed glasses that I’d never seen before and that made her look even more fashionable, if that was possible.

“Thanks. New glasses?” I asked and she adjusted them.

“Yeah, I normally wear contacts, but I’m out and the new ones won’t be in for a few days, so I’m stuck with the backups.” She adjusted them again and frowned.

“Well, you should wear them more often, because they look seriously good on you. Not everyone can pull of glasses and you definitely can.” She filled me in on what I’d missed and then Roland also came and gave me an update. He seemed to have everything in hand and said he didn’t mind covering for me when I needed it.

“You’re doing a lot for two people, Rory. I’m not saying that to be patronizing. I’m here to help. We’re all here to help and make this company as great as it was when Walter was at the helm.” I agreed with him, but it was hard. It was hard to let go of control, especially for me.

“Thanks so much, Roland. I’ll think that over and figure out what I can delegate.” He patted me on the arm and then went back to his office.

“That went well,” Lilia said. “He’s really nice. On Friday he had lunch delivered for everyone.” That was nice. I should do things like that more often. Dad always planned retreats and family picnics and other things that made Clarke Enterprises feel like more than just a workplace. That was what he wanted when he’d first decided he wanted to start his own company at the tender age of twenty. He hadn’t come from money, but my mother had. He’d gotten her parents to invest when he had next to nothing and had done everything else himself. It was a miracle he’d managed to survive the first few rocky years since so many other companies didn’t. CE had started out innovating in televisions and then had moved to computers. Things had changed a lot from those early days, but Dad’s drive was still the same.

There was a mountain of work waiting for me and I let myself have a moment when I drifted back to the cabin when I’d been drinking wine out by the fire pit with the girls. Or even last night with Lucah. I smiled to myself and pulled up my first email.


Lilia and I went to lunch so she could ask me all kinds of questions about the weekend.

“Why does everyone assume that I had a stripper?” I asked.

“Because that’s the Bachelorette party cliché, isn’t it? You know I bet less than half of actual parties are like that. I have a cousin who did a joint party with her husband and they went bowling. Granted, they were Mormons so they were opposed to strip clubs and drinking, but still. I thought it was kind of cool.” I would have had fun no matter what I’d done. Sometimes it didn’t matter where you were, but who you were with.

“I don’t know what Lucah is planning for his party,” I said, rolling my eyes and stabbing a tortellini with my fork. I should probably be eating a salad after all the bad food and booze from the weekend, but fuck it. One more day wasn’t going to hurt. I’d detox tomorrow.

“Do you think there will be strippers?” I really wanted to stop talking about strippers.

“I don’t think so. He’s not a stripper kind of guy. But his brother Ryder is throwing it, so who the hell knows. Although, he’s dating my friend Sloane, so I’m pretty sure she would castrate him with her sewing scissors if she found out about strippers, so.” We both shuddered.

“I’ve never been to a strip club,” she said, finishing her salad. I nearly choked on my pasta. This wasn’t the kind of thing you normally talked to your boss about, but we weren’t your average boss/employee.

“Yeah?” I said. It was a good thing we’d already talked about other personal topics so this wasn’t too far out there.

“No. Just never did. Thought about it.” I cleared my throat.

“I’ve been. Once. It was college and Sloane dragged me. It was one of those theme nights and oh man, it was cheesy. But then they started taking their clothes off and they were all ripped to hell, so it started not being cheesy.” I could feel myself blushing just thinking about it.

“Sounds good,” she said. “I should do that. Strip clubs should be one of those things that you do before you die, you know?” I gaped at her.

“Do you not remember the girl who walked into my office and shook like a leaf in my presence? Do you not remember the girl who kept dropping things and stuttering and who looked like she was going to cry when I yelled at her?” It was her turn to blush and look at her plate.

“Yeah, I’m actually really shy. I have a touch of social anxiety in new situations. Once I get used to them, I’m fine, but those first few weeks were rough. I think it’s a testament to your character that I’m able to be so comfortable with you now. It’s one of the best compliments I can give,” she said. I wasn’t sure how to take that.

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