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Surrendering Series Box Set

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“Both of us,” I said.

How in the hell were we going to do this?


It wasn’t until someone pounded on the door that we realized what time it was and that we needed to get going to my parents’ house.

“Oh, shit. Of course this had to happen today of all days,” I said, rushing to the bathroom to put cold water on my face to make the redness from crying go down. “They’re going to know something is up the minute they see us.” Even if I was able to cover the redness and puffiness, Lucah wouldn’t stop smiling like he’d won every lottery drawing ever.

“Do you not want to tell them?” Lucah said as someone pounded on the door again.

“I guess we don’t have a choice,” I said. Oh, this was going to be a blast.

“What the hell took you so long? Were you getting it on?” Sloane’s voice boomed through the apartment. “You’re certainly smiling like you got laid.” Not quite, although, getting laid had lead to this current predicament.

“It’s up to you,” Lucah said, looking over his shoulder at me.

“What is?” Sloane rounded on me, Ryder following in her wake, much quieter and calmer. It was no wonder Sloane and I (both high-strung, to put it mildly) had chosen calmer mates to balance everything out.

Before I could even open my mouth, Sloane looked into my eyes and clapped both hands over her mouth in shock.

“Oh shit, you’re pregnant!” She took the words right out of my mouth. I couldn’t really hide much from her and I knew this had to be written all over my face.

“Are you?” Ryder asked, looking from me to Lucah and back. A nod from me was all Sloane needed to scream and then she was the one picking me up and whirling me around.

“Okay, put me down!” I said as my stomach started to tumble around again. She set me down gingerly, as if I was made of glass.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe it,” she said, putting both hands on my lower belly. Sure, go right ahead. That’s cool. I wasn’t a person anymore. I was a baby incubator.

“Wow, you’re very enthusiastic,” I said as Sloane started to cry. Her reaction startled me because she wasn’t a huge fan of kids. Never had been.

“Yeah, well, I’m going to be an auntie! And baby clothes. Your kid is going to have baby couture. I will be making his or her entire wardrobe. You don’t even get a choice in the matter.” She hugged me again as Ryder and Lucah embraced.

“Couldn’t have waited until after the wedding, huh?” Ryder said to Lucah, who cuffed him before they hugged again.

“Yeah, yeah. I’m never going to hear the end of it from Mom.” My parents. Dread bloomed through me. Not that my parents were total puritans, but getting pregnant before the vows was something they weren’t going to be too excited about. They would get over it, but I was sure I would be reprimanded at the same time. Joy.

“Congratulations,” Ryder said, giving me a more subdued hug as Sloane embraced Lucah. She was still sniffing and I wanted to tell her to get it together. Jesus.

“Thanks,” I said as Ryder let me go. He winked and then went to get Sloane a tissue.

“So yeah, it’s been kind of a crazy day,” I said. “Which is why we’re not ready yet.” Sloane fluttered her hands.

“I’ve got this! I’ll get your clothes, you both sit down and relax.” Before we could protest, she was off to our bedroom and pulling open drawers and going through our closets.

“You feeling okay?” Lucah asked. I nodded. The nausea had passed and I was fine now, but stress had taken its place inside my stomach.

“My parents are going to kill me,” I said, looking up at him.

“I’m pretty sure if anyone’s getting shot, it’s me,” Lucah said, putting his arm around me and kissing my cheek.

“You’re so getting fired,” Ryder said with a chuckle.


Sloane had Lucah and me dressed and ready in no time, but part of me wanted to hide under the bed and refuse to go. But that would be childish, wouldn’t it? Especially considering that I was going to be a mother myself.

Fuck, that was crazy to think about. Insane. Totally nutty. I still couldn’t wrap my head around it, but I had least eight more months or so to do it.

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