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Raven (Hell's Bastards MC 3)

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“End of discussion. Raven’s mine, Drago. I know you don’t like her. I know you have this ideology of who you want me to date, but that’s not going to happen. Get used to the fact you’re going to be disappointed.” He pulled up outside the bakery.

Big Dick’s sister was none other than Harlow, the young woman working for Ava. Carlos smiled.

All he needed to do was stay at the club long enough to find out the truth. It was pouring rain outside, but he parked, driving onto the curb as he did so. He was fast losing his patience.

The bakery had a closed sign on the main door. He knocked. No answer. So he knocked again, trying to gain anyone’s attention. Repeatedly knocking at the door until Harlow finally came toward the door.

She flicked the lock and opened the door but wouldn’t allow him to pass. “Can I help you?” she asked.

“Where’s Raven?”

“Oh, my God,” Harlow said. “Who are you?”

“Tell me where Raven is.”

“Look, Raven and I, we’re not close, but I also don’t know you. I’m not going to tell you anything.”

“I’m the father of her child,” Carlos said.

“Oh,” Harlow said. “You’ve just given me more of a reason not to tell you.”

She went to close the door, but Carlos stopped her, gripping the side of the door and opening it.

Harlow had no choice but to step back as he walked inside.

“Tell me where Raven is.”

“You think you scare me?” Harlow asked. “You hurt me, you’re going to have to look Raven in the eye. Do you think you could handle that?”

Carlos glared at her, hating that she was right. He had no intention of hurting her. Regardless of what his reputation said about him, he didn’t actually go around hurting innocent people, nor anyone else who got in his way, especially if they didn’t deserve it.

“I need to know that she’s okay.”

Harlow shook her head. “I can’t help you. I’m sorry. Raven ran from you for a reason. Maybe you need to think of why,” she said.

Carlos turned away and left the bakery, going toward his car. He climbed inside, slamming the door. After turning over his ignition, he threw the car into reverse and pulled away from the street.

As he did, his cell phone lit up, and he saw it was Smokey’s number.

“You want to yell at me some more?” Carlos asked.

“I want you to make this right. If this had been Ava, I’d have given anything for someone to help me out. She’s at the local priest’s house.” Smokey gave him the location, and Carlos thanked him, knowing there would come a price for this help one day. “Don’t … hurt her. Don’t fuck this up.”

Carlos hung up his cell and drove toward the priest’s house. He wasn’t living in the church, but from what he saw, a good twenty-minute walk away. The house was small but set back. Beautiful.

An abundance of trees, flowers, and bushes surrounded the house. Parking his car outside, he noticed that there wasn’t a car in the driveway of the small house. The front yard had lots of flowers outlining a path that led up to the front door.

Carlos wasn’t here to admire the foliage.

He got to the front door and slammed his fist against it, waiting for an answer. His patience was being tested to the limit tonight.

He wanted to talk to Raven, make it right with her.

The door opened, and he caught sight of a man in a large, oversized t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. His hair was wet from taking a recent shower, and Carlos hated to admit, the man was good-looking. A gold ring decorated his finger, indicating he was married.

“I’m here to see Raven,” Carlos said.

“Raven doesn’t want to see you,” he said. “We have not been introduced. I’m Jonah Adams.” He held his hand out.

Carlos stared at his hand and knew he needed an ally. “Carlos Santiago.” He gripped the man’s hand tightly and shook.

Jonah gave as good as he got.

“I’m not leaving until I talk to Raven,” Carlos said.

“She doesn’t want to see anyone.”

Carlos stepped back. Making a scene wasn’t something he was accustomed to doing. When it came to Raven, it seemed that she was making him do a whole load of things he wasn’t used to. “Raven! I’m here. I need you to come and talk to me. Come on out here. I know you’re mad at me, but we can work this out. Raven!” He called out at the top of his lungs.

Jonah didn’t do anything, but he hoped it was enough to annoy Raven, and sure enough, she appeared behind Jonah. “I am so sorry about this.”

“I believe you have a visitor,” Jonah said. “I will be in the sitting room if you need me.”

Raven nodded. She was dressed in a robe. Her hair was partially damp. She wrapped her arms around her waist and glared at him. “What the hell are you doing? Didn’t they tell you in mafia school not to make any kind of commotion? Drawing attention to yourself?” she asked. “You’re breaking all the rules.”

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