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The Dating Game (Alphalicious Billionaires 5)

Page 16

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“You could say she was over seven feet and looked like a giant from the fairy tales our parents read to us as kids.”

“That would be even worse.”

Muffy grinned and even though he hadn’t got a kiss in, even though his nose was likely broken, he had to grin back. She was funny. It had been a long time since he’d been on a date with anyone who knew how to make a joke, let alone who had a decent sense of humor to make more than one in a row.

“I should have mentioned that I like the stars just fine up there. I didn’t need you to attempt to show me what they were like in my own head.”

“Oh god!” Muffy slapped a hand over her mouth. “I’m so sorry. Maybe your nose is broken. I can drive if you want. I can take you to the hospital.”

Bingo. Alex saw an opportunity and took it. He held his hand at his nose, and his voice was naturally garbled like he had the world’s worst cold. “No way. I don’t have insurance. I’ll just have to take my chances. Even if it was broken and healed crooked, a little bump there would give it some character that it was severely lacking.”

“Oh… oh no! You have a nice nose. Had a nice nose. Oh god.” Muffy waved her hand in front of her face and he wondered what the heck she was doing until he realized she was fanning her eyes, trying not to cry.

Smooth move, ass wad.

Alex dropped his hand away from his nose, even though it still hurt like a son of a bitch. He actually doubted whether he could drive or not. “It’s okay. Don’t cry. It’s going to be fine, I promise. No hospital needed.”

“But- but what if it heals crooked and you have breathing problems for the rest of your life and it’s all my fault?” Muffy’s huge eyes filled up with tears. She blinked hard, but they threatened to spill over.

“That’s not going to happen.”

“Well… I have insurance. I can pay for it. I’m going to take you to the hospital. You have to go. That’s that.” A new look of determination hardened Muffy’s face and Alex nearly panicked. This wasn’t right.

“No. Seriously.” He stuck his face in her direction. “Take a look. No harm done. It’s not even bleeding.”

Muffy brought her face close and inspected his nose thoroughly. She sighed and pulled away. “You have a really nice nose. It still looks okay. I think you’re right. It’s not broken.”

“No nose hairs sticking out embarrassingly?”

“No. None that I can see.” A reluctant smile was back, and he breathed a sigh of relief. “Well… maybe just one. A really long black one. You should probably tweeze that one.”

“Oh my god, are you serious?”

Muffy’s lips curled up and her eyes sparkled to life. “No. I was kidding.”

Alex settled back against his seat. “I guess I should drive you back soon. It’s getting late.”

“I’m okay with that. I’m a big girl.” Muffy stared at him for a second before she turned around to face the front. “Oh. I mean… uh- god. That’s embarrassing. Don’t worry. You can take me back. I won’t expect a second date. I get it.”

“What are you talking about?” He was truly baffled. Was she trying to work reverse psychology on him?

“You’re not really interested. Or if you were, I ruined by being colossally clumsy. It’s okay. Don’t worry. I had a good time. Better than I’ve had in months. So, thank you for that.”

“Muffy!” Alex reached out and brushed her shoulder, which was a mistake, since heat shot up his arm and his heart, and his cock started up their simultaneous pounding they’d been doing before she’d accidentally head-butted him. “I’m going to call you. I definitely want to take you out again.”

“You don’t have to be nice. It’s really okay. The rest of the ride home won’t be awkward. I can take it.”

“Damn it,” Alex cursed under his breath. He reached down, following her arm along her jacket until he found her hand. He twined his fingers through hers. He tried very hard not to focus on the jagged shards of lightning tearing up his arm and buzzing through him.

She turned at his touch and stared at him quizzically like she really couldn’t tell that she was a damn hot catch. Bet or no bet, he was taking her out again.

“I’m seriously going to call you. I’ll give you my phone and you can put your number in it and I’ll give you mine. I promise if you call, I’ll answer. Deal?”

“Even though I destroyed your face?”

“You didn’t. But even if you did, so what? It would probably be an improvement.”

“Hardly,” she scoffed, and then her cheeks flushed again. “Oh. Jeez. I shouldn’t have said that.”

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