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The Dating Game (Alphalicious Billionaires 5)

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“You’re… I don’t know…”

“I’m definitely sure. It’s just me.” He bent his head and feasted on her sweet pussy.

She was so wet that little beads of moisture formed on her folds. He licked them away eagerly and when her hips responded by rocking violently up into his mouth and her fingers tugged at his hair to the point of pulling it out, he figured that he’d done something right.

He teased her with his tongue and fingers, dancing over her most sensitive spots, since it wasn’t hard to figure out where they were. She shamelessly rocked into his face, arching her shapely ass, bumping those hips up, so he could taste her better. He slid his tongue through her folds, lapping at the moisture there, as he withdrew his finger and slid another into her.

She moaned and her fingernails scraped at his skull. He loved the sting of pleasure and pain that erupted there. He suckled her clit, paying it far more attention than he had before. He wanted her to shatter and he could feel that she was almost there. Her tight passage gripped his fingers to the point of pain. He felt the tremors in her thighs, rocking her legs, felt them gathering in her hips and belly as she rocked into him.

“Come for me, Muffy,” he commanded.

He wasn’t used to giving orders, but it was sexy as hell when she threw her head back and her body responded. He scraped his teeth over her clit, nipping her lightly and that finally did it. The dam burst inside of her and her body went wild. Her hips bucked into his face as she cried out and rode out the waves sweeping through her. Her channel gripped his fingers, clenching and unclenching all over them. She coated his hand and his chin with her wetness.

Alex just about checked out right there. His boxers were already soaked, and his cock kicked and throbbed so violently that he was amazed he hadn’t come right along with her.

Muffy’s back hit the bed at the same time he pulled his fingers out of her. He licked them clean while she watched, wide eyed.

“You’re so… so not like anyone I’ve ever met before,” she breathed.

He could tell by the look of her face, wide sparkling eyes, nostrils flaring, her lips parted as she tried to gasp in a few hard breaths, that it was a good thing.

“And you’re so beautiful.” Even in the dark, he could tell there was a blush riding high on Muffy’s cheeks. “Or don’t you know that?”

He could see the flash of doubt followed by something that looked pretty close to embarrassment in those gorgeous eyes and his jaw nearly hit the floor.

“I- uh- well… I guess so,” she mumbled. “Can we skip this and just get to the good part where you climb on top of me and make me see stars?”

“Would that do it for you? If I just laid on top of you and didn’t do anything else?”

The corners of Muffy’s lips twitched. “Probably. I could believe that it would be possible to orgasm without any stimulation if your body was involved. You could probably just kiss me and I’d be able to climax.” She flushed a darker shade of red after and her eyes dropped. She was obviously mortified with herself.

“You know, it’s really refreshing,” Alex said.

“What is?”

“That you can just be so frank and honest. I like that. You have no idea what a rare gift that is.”

“Add it to my many talents,” Muffy said self-depreciatingly. “Give it a few weeks and you probably won’t think that I’m so smart or brave or whatever else is on that list.”

Alex winked at her. He didn’t need to correct her or reassure her. Her words were said with humor and humility, but not with any kind of self-hate. She might be relatively shy and some asshole, or maybe that was assholes with an S, had obviously treated her like shit in the past, but she was obviously fairly confident in herself at heart, and that was refreshing too.

He slid his fingers under the waistband of his boxers and slowly tugged them down, distracting her. “I don’t know. Maybe this isn’t all it’s chalked up to be. Maybe I’ll get inside and you’ll kill me by asking when I’m going to finally man up and stick it in.”

Muffy’s eyes went even wider when he threw his boxers to the floor. His cock bobbed up, loving all that attention she lavished on him with her hot stare. She branded him with it, marked him, and god, it did his ego wonders to see her reach up to the corner of her mouth, like she was actually checking to see if she was drooling.

“God. Did you just see me do that?” She whipped her hand back down to her side.

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