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The Billionaire Affair (In Too Deep)

Page 18

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“We were lots of help,” he objected, laughing again.

I sipped my drink, some fancy cocktail that tasted like cherries and a headache tomorrow morning. Pushing aside the feeling that I was intruding on a date, I narrowed my eyes at Tiana. “You have to tell me why you asked him if he was a douche?”

She flushed again, exhaling a resigned sigh. “Some guys outside told me douche meant tutor. Fucking assholes.”

Tanner laughed, draping his arm around the back of their seat. “We have those assholes to thank for a beautiful friendship.”

“If by beautiful friendship you mean a semester of you teasing me and feeding me incorrect words so I would embarrass myself, then yes. It was gorgeous.”

He lifted his shoulders and winked a green eye. “We had to liven up that class somehow. That lecturer had the most monotonous voice ever, and zero sense of humor.”

“This is true,” Tiana agreed, draining the last of her drink. “Should we go get another?”

I held my palm over my glass and shook my head. “I’m going to head out as soon as I finish my last few sips. I have a bit of a stomach ache.”

Tiana’s brow creased. “On no. You should have said something earlier. Let’s go home.”

“No. You stay,” I said immediately. Tanner looked like someone kicked his puppy as soon as Tiana said the word home. He wanted to spend more time with her. I got it. I didn’t mind going home alone. I was feeling out of place, that was all.

I wasn’t really feeling sick. “I’ll be fine again in the morning. Just too much of this sweet stuff, I think.”

Raising my glass, I nodded at it. Tiana searched my eyes, then grabbed Tanner’s beer. “Fine. As long as you promise to call me if you don’t feel better soon, and we have one last drink for your birthday.”

“It’s your birthday?” Tanner asked, jaw loosening. “Why didn’t you say anything? Hang on, we have to drink something just a little more special if we’re drinking to your birthday.”

I started to protest, but it was too late. Tanner had already flagged down a scantily clad waitress circling the lounge. He ordered something by name, but I’d never heard of it.

When the same waitress delivered three small glasses to our table, I learned they contained a top-shelf tequila. Tanner passed the shots around and raised his, smiling as warmly as though he’d known me his whole life.

“Happy birthday, Stephanie. May this year be filled with good surprises, misadventures that turn into the best memories, and world-class orgasms.”

My cheeks grew heated at the last wish, remembering how I’d been thinking about my vibrator less than an hour ago. Though I doubted he was referring to self-induced orgasms. Tiana peeled with laughter. “I’ll drink to that.”

I nodded my agreement, more keen on the good surprises and best memories part of his birthday wish. Although, I definitely wouldn’t turn down a world-class orgasm if it came my way. “Cheers.”

We sucked back our shots in unison. Usually, tequila took my breath away and made my mouth water. This stuff went down smooth as silk. “Thank you for the drink. I’d better get going.”

“Remember, call me if you need anything,” Tiana said, standing up to hug me. “Anything at all.”

Tanner also pulled me into a quick hug, patting my back as he wished me happy birthday again. “Let me know if you want me to set you up with someone to deliver those orgasms.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Generous offer, but I’ll pass.”

He looked genuinely crestfallen at my refusal. I liked him. I hoped Tiana would keep him around for a while. I hadn’t seen her laugh the way she did with him for a long time. I could tell he used to be a good friend to her.

“Get home safe, okay?” he ordered, dragging a hand through light brown locks that fell almost to his shoulders. “Can I call you a car?”

“No. I’ll grab a cab. Thanks.” Who calls a car?

He squinted at me but nodded. “Okay. Just be safe.”

After more goodbyes and be safes, I finally managed to get away from them. As I was getting into my cab, I saw hot guy pushing his way out of the club and come in my direction. Odd.

Although, there was a line of cabs piling up behind mine. Maybe he was also headed home and not after me at all.

The cab pulled away from the curb and my gaze caught on hot guy’s as we drove past. Damn, but he looked good with his hair slightly dampened and pushed back. I waved feebly, catching him putting one hand at the back of his neck and squinting after my cab before he got swallowed up by people and darkness as we drove away.

I took a quick shower when I got home, exhausted from the week and my feet aching from the heels I wore. Pulling on a pair of underwear, I decided to skip pajamas in favor of crawling into my bed half-naked.

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