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The Billionaire Affair (In Too Deep)

Page 141

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“No, I don’t think,” he replied quietly, his voice clipped and edged in absolute fury. “Your office Jeremiah, now.”

“Just get on with it, father. Whatever you want to say to me, you can say right here.” I opened my arms wide, turning at the waist from side to side. Every cubicle or shared workstation of this floor was full today.

People were starting to drop the act that they weren’t listening, sitting up straight as they exchanged glances and wondered what the hell was going on. They didn’t make eye contact with me as I swept my arms out toward them, but that didn’t matter.

They were going to hear what he had to say, that was all there was to it. Neil stood behind my father, but not flanking him as he usually did. There was nothing in his stance to indicate his support of what my father was doing.

Today, he was nothing more than an onlooker himself, just like all the other employees who were straining their necks to get a good look at the big boss and his heir about to slug it out. My father’s weathered skin tightened as he clenched his jaw. The column of his throat moved up and down. His eyes were nearly blackened with rage, and white spots appeared between the purplish red of his cheeks.

“You want to have this out here?” he asked, his voice raising a level in volume. I nodded, motioning for him to continue. Eyes flitting first to one side and then to the other, his gaze returned to mine. “Fine. You’re fired, Jeremiah. Please clean out your office before close of business today and ensure the same for your little floozie.”

There was so much more he wanted to say, or yell, by the looks of things. Probably to rehash again what a disappointment I was and how Stephanie wasn’t good enough for me. In front of so many of his employees though, he wouldn’t risk losing control so fully as he did when he was berating me for those things.

Loss of control was a weakness in his eyes. Ironic for someone who lost it on a regular basis when dealing with his family, even if he could hold his pose in front of the most renowned businessmen in the country and heads of state.

If he started yelling those things at me, they would lose respect for him. That was how my father thought. I felt sorry for him, actually. He lived his life following a set of arbitrary rules he made up for himself, crafted by year after year of believing he knew what was best even though he didn’t know the first thing about human behavior.

I wondered if he even knew what it really felt like anymore just to live. To feel and do instead of always turning it into some kind of strategy game. In my opinion, people would respect him more for it, but he never had been interested in my opinion.

It was no way to live, following all his imaginary rules. And I for one, wanted to live.

Like I intended to do as soon as we were done here.

The very thought ripped a laugh from my chest. My father’s eyes widened at the sound, then narrowed again. Relief that I wouldn’t have to stay here today to deal with his mood crashed into me, so did gratitude to Neil for the head’s up so I could prepare myself. Elation that my life was finally mine again washed over me.

I doubled over with laughter driven by all the different emotions flooding me. I caught sight of Neil from the corner of my eye as I wiped away a tear from having laughed so hard. His expression was grave, worried.

It was time to move on. Collecting myself before they all started believing I was mad, I straightened up. I looked my father in the eye and pushed aside any remaining pity I felt for the man. “I’ll clear out my office Dad, no problem. I’m glad to be free of you, actually. You did me a huge favor today.”

He sputtered, again trying to conceal it as a cough. “I’ll also see to it Stephanie’s office is cleared out. I wouldn’t call her a floozie again though if I were you. She’s nothing of the kind. She’s my girlfriend. We’re together, and I love her.”

There were a couple of gasps from those around us. Even Neil looked mildly shocked. I smiled at them all before continuing. When I met my father’s gaze again, there was something new in it. It overshadowed the rage and the disappointment, the carefully controlled mask.

It wasn’t regret, but it looked like something similar. I reminded myself that he was still my father and the only family I had left. “If you want to be a part of my life at all, you’re going to have to apologize to her for all the hurt you’ve caused and the despicable things you’ve said to her. Then you’re going to have to accept her.”

I didn’t wait for my father’s reply before I turned to Neil to kickstart the next phase of my plan for the day. “You were right earlier, I owe you a lot more than one. You were an incredible friend to Jack, and you’ve been the same for me. I know you’re not going to have any idea what it’s about, but I’m offering you a job with me. Same paygrade and benefits. What do you say? You up for something new?”

Neil looked surprised, but then he glanced at my father—who shot him a glare so intense any lesser man would’ve perished just because of the poisonous thoughts those eyes were shooting at him. When he looked back at me, he nodded and walked around my father to shake my hand. “You’ve got yourself a new employee. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

I grinned at him and winked. “That’s why I need you, to tell me what we’re doing.”

“Dear Lord,” Neil muttered, his eyes shining with laughter. “What have I gotten myself into?”

“No idea,” I said joking, then faced the shocked faces of the other employees in the room. “My offer is extended to each and every one of you. Anyone who wants to work for me is automatically part of my team.”

To my surprise, more than half of the people looking back at me stood up on the spot and started collecting their things. It looked like my theory about his people not respecting my father was vindicated.

“You all interested please send me an email this afternoon. Same address as here but on Gmail’s domain. I’ll add you to my files and send you your job descriptions within the next week.”

Without another look back at my father, who I was sure looked like he was about to blow the top of his head off, I walked out. My work here was done.

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