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The Billionaire Player (In Too Deep)

Page 16

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“You’re in here,” Tanner said, laying my suitcase down on the bed in the master bedroom. “I hope it’s okay. If you find anything out of place, just let me know. I checked around in here quickly before you arrived and everything seems fine, but if there’s anything weird, tell me and I’ll take care of it.”

While he spoke, he darted a glance at the nightstand before bringing his gaze back to mine. I looked around the room, ecstasy bubbling through my veins at the thought of it being mine for the next couple of nights.

“It’s more than okay.” I turned in a slow circle, marveling at the large windows and the view they provided of the lake. A wall of mirrored closets was on one side and the ensuite bathroom was on the other. “Are you sure you want me to stay in the master? I’m willing to play you for it.”

I stuck my hand into my pocket, pulling out a coin and letting it drop into my open palm as I held it up. “It doesn’t seem fair that I get the best room in the house by default when you didn’t even know I’d be coming.”

“It might be the best one, but the others really aren’t bad either,” he said without even considering my offer. “Trust me, I’m happy to stay in the one where I am and to let you have this one.”

“Okay. Well, thank you.” I put the coin back in my pocket, then looked around again. “So, uh, what do we do now?”

An awkward beat passed between us and he shrugged, but then he started walking backward toward the door. “I’ll let you get settled. When you’re ready, I’ll be downstairs.”

“Okay,” I agreed, since I didn’t have a better idea. “I’ll be down soon.”

It seemed like a waste to spend any more time in the bedroom than I had to. As incredible as it was, I couldn’t wait to see the rest of the place and I’d have the whole night in here later. Rushing through my unpacking, I headed into the bathroom to fix my hair and touch up my makeup.

Almost dropping my toiletry bag when I walked in, my feet came to an abrupt halt and I just stood there, gaping at the bathroom that was bigger than my living area back home—and much nicer. A freestanding, claw-footed tub stood in front of a picture window, a double-headed shower beside it and a huge his-and-hers vanity against the wall.

I was in awe of whoever had designed and decorated the interior of this place. They’d done an incredible job of making it stunning while still managing to keep the lake and landscape outside as the main feature of every darn room. Tanner had given me a quick tour of the downstairs area before he’d shown me up here, and I’d immediately noticed how well thought out the design was.

While I hadn’t even been here for an hour, I’d already taken so many mental notes that I was going to have to start writing them down soon to make space for new ones. Thankfully, I’d brought my idea notebook with me. I didn’t ever leave home without it.

This kind of place was a designer’s wet dream in terms of inspiration, and I planned on soaking in every last drop of it. I didn’t have a project coming up immediately where I’d be able to make use of the ideas I was getting from here, but that was often the case.

I’d simply write it all down, and when the opportunity presented itself, I’d have it ready. For now, I’d go see the rest of the place and give Tanner that explanation I owed him, but before I went to sleep tonight, I’d spend some time noting all the ideas I’d had so far.

After dragging a brush through my hair a few times until the flat, I’ve just been driving look vanished, I left it loose but pulled a hair band around my wrist in case I wanted it later. My face had gone a little shiny, but other than that, my makeup had held up okay.

I dabbed some powder on my nose and cheeks but didn’t add much more. My eyes had enough of a hint of kohl liner around them and I didn’t like mascara that was caked on, so I finished up by putting on some fresh lip gloss and left it at that. We were out here alone, in the middle of woods surrounding a lake. I didn’t need to look glamorous, just not like I’d been dunked in a vat of oil.

When I left my room and went back downstairs, I found Tanner sitting on one of the sofas, texting on his phone. As soon as I walked in, he set the phone down and gave me his full attention, which was unusual in today’s world.

I was guilty of it myself, always wanting to finish whatever I was busy with on the device before putting it down. Tanner didn’t even hesitate, though. He locked his screen immediately and tossed the phone down beside him.

“Everything good up there?” he asked. “You didn’t find anything… noteworthy, did you?”

I frowned, moving forward until I got to the sofa across the one from his. I rested my hands on the back of it as I cocked my head. “What are you so worried about in there? It’s perfect. Really. The bathroom is definitely noteworthy, but somehow, I doubt that’s what you’re talking about. What gives?”

“It’s nothing. I just rented this place from a friend of mine and I was worried that he’d left behind a surprise somewhere. He can be a bit of a joker sometimes.” He shrugged, got up, and jerked his head toward the kitchen. “Can I get you something to drink? There’s a bar downstairs, but you mentioned that your coffee on the way over was mediocre, so maybe you’d like a cup from the fancy-ass machine he’s got here?”

Nodding enthusiastically, I followed him and took a seat at the center island. My head nearly spun from all the ideas I was picking up just in the kitchen. Neither of us seemed sure of what to say, so I just kept looking around while he got started on the coffee.

Once he handed it over and picked up the cup he’d made for himself, he leaned with his hip against the counter and regarded me curiously. “Do you like pool? There’s a table in the basement. It’s been a while since I’ve played, but it might be a good way to break the ice.”

“Sure. Let’s do it,” I agreed, winding my fingers around the hot mug and bringing it with me as he led the way. My eyes widened when I stepped down the last stair and took in what was clearly intended to be the main entertainment area of the house.

It was the only part of it I’d seen so far that didn’t make a feature of the lake, since there were only small slats of windows around the top of the room, but it was warm and cozy in here. There was another fireplace, a bar, and a variety of games with a set of benches around the walls.

“So, now that you’ve settled in and got a drink, do you want to tell me what’s going on here? Don’t get me wrong, I really don’t mind that there was a change of plans, but how did you end up here with me when Brittany Hill was supposed to have been here?”

I set the coffee down on the bar counter and took the pool cue he handed over, then accepted the small block of chalk he offered me next. “Brit’s my best friend. She’s married, though. Trevor, her husband, was invited to the charity event where the auction happened, but he was traveling for work that weekend, so I went with her instead.”

“Okay,” he said, those stunning blue eyes never leaving mine as he took another cue for himself off the rack on the wall and chalked up the end of it. “How did you get roped into the auction?”

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