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The Billionaire Player (In Too Deep)

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Those thoughts started getting louder again, begging me to face the harsh realities of our situation sooner rather than later. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started moving with him. We’ll get there but not now.

Tanner relaxed as soon as I did. He held me closer and stepped into my body before bringing his hands up to squeeze mine. Our fingers lingered together, and I parted mine to let his slide between them. One of his legs moved between mine, and he pressed his cheek against my temple.

I hadn’t known this before, but Tanner could dance. Like really move well. I supposed I shouldn’t have been so surprised. The man seemed to be absurdly good at anything physical. It was the emotional stuff where he faltered.

As we moved together, I could’ve sworn I practically felt the emotion vibrating through him, though. Chalking it up to imagining things, I focused instead on the sensation of being back in his arms.

I sighed happily, closing my eyes and simply enjoying the moment. It was a good one, one I wished I could freeze and stay in forever. Right here, where things were good and easy and fun. The more I focused on the sensation, the more I became aware that he was everywhere. All of my senses were consumed by him, and it was turning me into a ball of desire.

Desire for so many things, but right then, I would settle for the physical. When it came right down to it, dancing with him like this was making me horny, and it didn’t help that his leg was already right there.

Giving myself over to the music and the moment, I pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the side of his neck and rolled my hips over his thigh, moaning softly when sparks of pleasure shot through me at only that little bit of friction.

If he was surprised, he didn’t let on. A second later, I found out why. He shifted the angle at which he’d been holding his hips, and suddenly, I could feel that he was rock hard in his jeans. His erection pressed into my lower stomach, and my heart fluttered at the same time that a rush of heat made my panties damp.

Tanner groaned against my ear. His movements became much more deliberate as he slid his leg forward until I was practically grinding on his thigh. His breath was hot against the side of my neck, but then he moved his head back until his face was right in front of mine.

His lips parted, and I wasn’t sure if it had been to say something or to kiss me, but I didn’t wait to find out. I went with my instincts, using my arms around his neck to pull him down and kiss him even though I didn’t know if he’d been planning on kissing me.

Thankfully, he didn’t resist. He came easily and willingly, nipping at my lower lip before slanting his mouth over mine and delving into it with his tongue. More sparks raced through me, and I moaned, completely surrendering to him. He devoured my mouth hungrily, and I returned the kiss with every bit of the passion he was showing me.

Our bodies never stopped moving, but they slowed until we were doing little more than swaying together while we took from each other what we needed. I was probably about thirty seconds away from having an orgasm right there on the dance floor when he suddenly grabbed my hands and lifted his head away from mine.

“Your place is closer,” he said urgently. “Let’s go.”

Once again, I could barely hear him above the din, but I was pretty sure I’d understood what he meant. Taking a firm hold of my hand when I nodded, he led me off the dance floor and glanced at me over his shoulder.

“We need to get your stuff from Brit. Where are they?”

I slid past until I was slightly ahead of him. Then I started tugging him in the direction of the table we’d gotten earlier. Trevor and Brit were there, laughing while they made out and sipped their drinks.

He saw us first, grinning at me until he realized I was holding Tanner’s hand. A quick frown passed over his features, but then understanding seemed to dawn and he leaned forward to say something to Brit.

She turned around so fast, I was afraid she might’ve given herself whiplash, but if she had, she didn’t seem to feel the pain. Instead, a wide approving smile spread on her lips and she reached for my purse before we’d even made it all the way to the table.

Holding it out, she mouthed “have fun” to me before giving Tanner a meaningful look. Something passed between them, and he nodded, tightening his grip on my hand. Yet another question to ask him later.

Still not really able to talk, I took my purse from Brit and smiled at her before giving them a wave goodbye. They waved back, then watched as Tanner wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me across the crowded floor to the door.

I had no doubt that she’d want every last detail tomorrow, but for now, I was glad she was letting us go without giving him the full interrogation. I desperately wanted to get out of here, and if his purposeful stride was anything to go by, so did he.

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