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The Billionaire's Unexpected Wife

Page 29

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“Sorry, but we have to get you back.” She squeezed Jolene’s hand and then got to her feet. “Come on, let’s get you back to the van.”

“Fine, but you’re totally bringing me back here for the food festival,” she replied as we started on the way back to the van. We loaded her chair into the van and started on the way home, except this time, Amaya drove, and I sat in the back and chatted to Jolene. And damn, if she wasn’t about the most charming teenager I’d ever met. Sure, she was still young and had plenty of time to grow into her obnoxiousness, but she was smart and sharp and wasn’t afraid to jibe me, just like her sister.

When we arrived back at the home, we helped her out of the van and took her back up to her room. I gave them some privacy to say goodbye but not before Jolene had insisted we come back again in a week’s time to go for another outing.

“You have great taste in food.” She grinned at me. “More adventurous than her, at least.”

“I’ll bear that in mind,” I replied, and Amaya planted her hands on her hips and looked between the two of us.

“Conspiring against me,” she teased and then checked her watch once more. “Hey, can you give us a minute, Kristo? I’ll be out in a moment.”

“Sure.” I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. I listened to them talk inside, voices low, and wondered if they were talking about me. I couldn’t help wondering why Amaya didn’t have her living with her, how she could afford to place her in here, but I figured there had to be a good reason. I didn’t know how to bring it up, and I assumed whatever it was, she would tell me in good time.

When Amaya emerged, she had a slightly sad smile on her face.

“You ready to go?” I asked, and she glanced at the door and nodded.

“I guess so,” she replied. But she lingered for a moment longer and then nodded again.

“I always hate leaving her,” she admitted. “I don’t want to go, but I’m pretty sure they’ll come and kick me out as soon as they get the chance. They’ve had to before.”

“Come on, let’s do something to get your mind off it,” I suggested.

“Like what?” she asked, looping her arm through mine. I liked the feel of her close to me, even though I knew she was just looking for a little support to help her walk out of here without going back and wheeling Jolene out with her.

“How about a movie?” I replied. “There’s an indie cinema in town I used to go to a lot.”

“What do you have in mind?” she asked.

“No idea,” I admitted. “Whatever’s on? We can just get a huge pile of popcorn and use that to keep us occupied if the film’s terrible.”

“Are you asking me out on a date?” she teased, and I shrugged.

“You are my wife, after all,” I shot back, and she laughed as we got back to the car.

“Okay, you got me,” she agreed, leaning back into the seat with a sigh. “Take me somewhere I cannot think for a while.”

“Your wish is my command,” I replied, and we headed back into the city and in the direction of the movies I knew she was going to love. When we pulled to a stop outside, the old-style marquee displayed the name of a horror movie I hadn’t seen in years, since I was a teenager.

“Oh, we have to go see that,” I pointed at it as we climbed out. She gave me a face.

“Horror movies are my favorite,” she said cheekily as we headed for the box office.

“It’s going to be fun. You’ll see,” I assured her. We got our tickets and a box of popcorn so deep, I was pretty sure we could comfortably fit in there together. Taking our seats, I realized she had picked a spot in the back row. Could she be subconsciously evoking all those making-out-in-the-dark teenage dates everyone had been on when they were in high school?

“Okay, if this is scary and I can’t sleep tonight, I’m blaming you,” she warned as the movie started. I let an arm lie over the back of her seat and shrugged.

“I’m cool with that.”

The movie started, and she was as much of a wimp as she’d told me she was. She jumped at every mild scare, and to my amusement, she buried herself in my shoulder every time she got even a little freaked out. I held her close and found myself waiting for the scary moments, enjoying the way she felt nestled up against me. This had been the perfect choice of movie. After that perfect day we’d spent with her sister, I wanted to enjoy something that was especially for adults.

“Oh my god,” she murmured, turning away from the screen as the killer leaped out from behind a tree. She closed her eyes and pressed her face into my chest, and I pushed my nose into her hair and inhaled the sweet scent of her. My heart tightened as I realized this was a date, after all, a date I seriously wanted to go well.

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