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The Butcher (Ruthless Sinners MC 10)

Page 44

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“What?” she mumbled sleepily.

“Get up!” I urged. “I need you to get in the closet, and don’t come out until I come for you.”

“Why?” She squinted as she asked, “What happened to the power? What’s going on?”

“No time to explain. Just get in the damn closet.”

I waited until she’d gotten out of bed and was hidden in the closet before I started down the hall toward the basement. I was going to retrieve my weapons from the vault but stopped when I heard footsteps on the front porch. I couldn’t chance getting to the basement and back in time, so I grabbed a knife from the drawer and slipped behind one of the floor-length curtains. I turned off my phone’s light and waited.

It wasn’t long before I heard a window break, followed by the sounds of someone entering the house. I remained hidden as I listened for another assailant. When I didn’t hear one, I eased the curtain back and tried to get a better view of our intruder.

He was tall with an athletic build, and he was wearing all black, making it difficult to see as he merged further into the living room. When I heard two men talking outside, I knew it wouldn’t be long before his friends made their way into the house. It was time to make my move, so I stepped out of hiding and made my way over to the man in black.

As soon as I stepped behind him, I reached up and placed my hand on his forehead, jerking it back, then I rested the blade of my knife below his Adam’s apple. Before he had a chance to jerk free, I raked the blade against his skin, slicing his throat. He dropped to his knees, and with his hands gripping his throat, he gasped for breath. It took him a moment, but he eventually collapsed to the floor.

Over the years, I’d seen a hundred dead men, but never at my own hand. It wasn’t a good feeling. Thankfully, I didn’t have time to dwell on it. There were others coming, so I grabbed the gun from the man’s hand, then stepped back into hiding. It wasn’t long before I heard one of them crawl through the broken window and whisper, “Gabe?”

When there was no response, the man stepped further into the living room and called out again. “Gabe? Where are you?”

“He’s right here.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I aimed the gun and pulled the trigger, shooting him square in the chest. His back hit the wall with a hard thud, and then he slowly slid down to the ground. I stepped over to him, and with the barrel of the gun aimed at his head, I asked, “Who sent you here?”

“You are so dead.”

I reached down and grabbed his shirt collar, wrenching it into a fist as I repeated, “Who sent you?”

“You really fucked up. You should’ve known better...” The color drained from his face as he muttered, “Should’ve never saved her.”

He didn’t have to say anymore. I knew exactly who’d sent him and why. I took a step back, and when the third guy started into the house, I didn’t hesitate. I immediately started shooting, and I didn’t stop until the guy’s lifeless body dropped to the floor. I stood there for a moment, listening and waiting for any sign of more intruders.

When I didn’t hear anything, I went outside and checked the grounds, making sure that there was no one else. Once I was certain we were out of danger, I went to the power panel in the garage and flipped the breaker. The lights came back on, and I rushed back inside to check on Everleigh.

I went to her room, and when I opened the closet door, I found her standing amongst the coats and jackets with tears streaming down her face. The second that she saw it was me, she lunged forward and wrapped her arms tightly around me. Her voice was strained as she whispered, “Thank God you’re okay.”

“Yeah, I’m good. What about you?”

“I’ve been better.” She glanced up at me as she asked, “Were those gunshots?”

“Yeah, I’m afraid so.” I held her for a moment longer, then said, “We’re gonna need to get out of here for a while.”


“Whoever sent those guys will send more, and we don’t need to be here when they do.” I motioned my hand over to the bags on the floor as I told her, “I need you to gather your things, and I need you to do it as quickly as possible. Can you do that for me?”

“Yeah, I can do that.”

“Good. I have to grab some stuff from the basement, but...”

Fear dripped from her words as she gasped, “You’re leaving me?”

“I’m just going to the basement. I’ll be right back.”

“Just hurry.”

“You do the same.” I turned and started for the door but stopped when I remembered the men I’d just killed. “Do me a favor. Stay in here until I come back, okay?”

She didn’t ask questions. She simply nodded and watched as I rushed out of the room. I raced downstairs, grabbed my emergency bag and laptop, then went over and filled another with all the weapons and ammo from my safe. Once I had everything I needed, I carried them upstairs and went to see about Everleigh.

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