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Bad Mood Billionaire

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Every day before this had always left me feeling burnt out, resentful, and drained. Tonight, I felt optimistic about coming in tomorrow and showing Jake everything I’d done. I had a list of possible photography companies we could hire along with a digital version of their portfolios, and I also had several models to pose for the wedding pictures. I’d specifically requested a diverse selection of models. I wanted all the clientele at the Wilsons’ to feel like the venue could be theirs, so they needed to see themselves represented in the photographs, which meant we needed interracial couples, gay couples, straight couples, older couples, young couples—you name it. Everyone deserved to see themselves on that wall.

It was good business, and more importantly, better values.

I hoped Jake wouldn’t roadblock me on that.

Speaking of Jake, I saw him working away in his office. Most of the lights were off, but he was illuminated by his computer screen and single desk lamp. I could wait to show him what I’d done until morning, or I could go up there and end my day on an even more positive note, showing him the fruits of my labor—something he’d said to me when he first offered me the promotion.

I got up and brought my tablet with me, opening all the files on my way up the stairs so I was prepared.

Why do I suddenly want to impress him?

I knocked on his door. As per usual, he didn’t look up. I let myself in and my growling stomach gave me away. Yet again, I was starving because work took precedent. I’d have to start keeping snacks in my desk drawer.


He grunted.

“I’d like to show you some mock-ups I’ve been working on tonight for the Wilsons’ gallery wall.” My stomach growled again, betraying me.

“Go home. Eat something. You can show me tomorrow.”

I chewed the inside of my cheek. How much longer was he going to keep working? Did he not feel hunger? “If you’re interested, we could go down the block to a late-night restaurant for a bite to eat and I could show you there. I also managed to collect a list of several photography companies and models we could use with fairly good availability.”

I didn’t know why I made the offer, and I definitely couldn’t explain the hopeful feeling in my chest that he’d say yes. It wasn’t that I wanted or needed him to like me, but I did want him to acknowledge the work I’d done. It felt good when he’d been impressed with my wedding pitch this afternoon. I wanted to feel that again. He was a hard man to impress, so some acknowledgement went a long way.

Jake still didn’t look up at me. “I have too much to do to indulge in after-work drinks. I’ll look at your work tomorrow. Go home. Get some rest.”

The hope snuffed out like a candle pinched between his fingers.

“Okay.” Embarrassed, I turned and left, hurrying down the stairs and rushing past my reception desk. I got on the elevator and rode down to the lobby, where the night security wished me a good evening.

On my drive home, I cursed myself for thinking Jake would be anything different than what he was. One good working afternoon didn’t mean he was going to suddenly change his tune and be nice to me. What the hell was I thinking?

You were being idealistic,I thought.

It was no wonder his wife left him. Two years ago, before I started working for Jake Cassidy, Donna told me rumors had flown about his wife leaving him after having an affair. Apparently, her lawyer had shown up and served him with divorce papers in the middle of the office in front of everyone. She took him for half his fortune, perhaps more according to Donna, and he never fought her an inch. He gave her what she wanted. Practically rolled over, according to a lot of people in the office.

Jake didn’t strike me as the sort of man to go belly up. I wondered what had happened that was so bad that he would let her do that to him.

Then again, maybe he had it coming.

No, not maybe.

He had it coming.

Any woman married to him was a saint. She must have had to put up with so much moodiness and so much bullshit that eventually she gave in and realized that she deserved better.

Good for her.

From here on out, I would maintain perspective. I wouldn’t let one good afternoon with my boss trick me into thinking he had redeemable qualities. He was a modern-day Scrooge who had no consideration for other people and their feelings, and that was just fine. He didn’t have to be a nice guy. I could do this job and I could do it well without him holding my hand. All I had to do was survive one day at a time, which would lead to a week, which would become a month, and by the time I had a few of those under my belt, surely Jake and I would be able to work together with a bit more ease. He didn’t have to be all sunshine and rainbows, and I didn’t have to be walking on eggshells.


That was all I needed.

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