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My Fake Fling

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Irounded the corner on two wheels with my heart racing. I didn’t know what was happening, but I knew I had to get to Thea in a hurry. She’d been inconsolable. Her crying had damn near ripped my heart out.

I wasn’t able to get the full story out of her, but I gathered it had something to do with her father. I called her just to see how she was doing and was met with a barrage of sobs.

She told me she was fine. She assured me I didn’t need to come over. I had to see her and reassure myself she was okay. I hit the brakes and cut the engine before jumping out of my car. I rushed up to the front door and knocked. I heard Kona bark a few times.

When Thea opened the door, her eyes were red and puffy. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I wanted to see you,” I said. “Are you okay?”

Her bottom lip quivered. “Yes.”

Then the tears started. I let myself in and pulled her into my arms. I held her against me and let her cry it out. Kona was sitting on the couch with a number of tissues scattered around the floor. The dog looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. The other two dogs were curled up together on an elevated bed.

“I’m sorry,” she said and pulled away.

“Don’t be,” I said.

She yanked a few tissues from a box before wiping her face and nose. “I’m a mess. You didn’t need to come over.”

“I wanted to,” I insisted.

She flopped on the couch and her dog immediately crawled closer with her head in Thea’s lap. I didn’t think Thea even realized she was rubbing the dog’s head. It was clearly a very normal thing for the two of them. They were very close.

I took a seat in the adjacent chair and turned to look at her. “What happened?” I asked. “Is your dad okay?”

“My dad is fine. Kind of. He won’t be.”

“Did you and Rich go see him yesterday?” I asked gently.

She nodded while dabbing at her eyes. “He’s moving this week. The house was packed up and has been cleaned. It goes on the market next week after the movers come to get the boxes. He and Stacey are leaving in a few days. I don’t even know what day. They didn’t even tell us!”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. She’s won. She’s pulling him away from us. He’s going to be all alone out there. She’s using him. The minute she gets him away from us, she’ll have free rein over him. She’ll spend the rest of his money and leave him all alone. The last two weeks, Rich and I were unable to talk to him. I know she did something with his phone. She told him she told us they were moving. The only way we found out is by showing up at the door. If we hadn’t gone down there, he would have been gone and we would have never known. We only knew because we were able to show up. What happens when he’s in Calgary and she pulls this shit? We can’t just hop in the car and stop in! He’ll be completely at her mercy. I just don’t understand what he sees in that woman. She’s horrible!”

“I’ll fly you to Calgary anytime you want,” I offered. “If the company jet isn’t available, I’ll buy you a ticket. You’ll be able to see him.”

“That’s not the point,” she said. “It’s the fact he has chosen to do this. He sees how vile she is, and he won’t listen to us. She shoved me. Actually fucking shoved me, and he took her side. I don’t understand what’s wrong with him. I truly believe she’s brainwashed him. Something is not okay. He would never allow anyone to put hands on me, but this woman gets away with it. I don’t get it. I can’t get my head around the fact he’s just checked out. He’s packed a bag and walking away. Rich and I are no longer his to worry about.”

I had no idea what to say. This was so far out of my wheelhouse. “I’m sorry,” I said again. “I know your father loves you. He’s confused right now and she’s capitalizing on it.”

“I’m not sure how much I can blame on her. He isn’t suffering from dementia. The man has to see what’s happening. He’s just refusing to do anything about it. He said he doesn’t want to live with the ghost of our mother anymore. Those are not his words. That’s her. She boxed up his life and that’s that. He is using his own free will to walk away from us. I can’t get over that. Do you know how badly that hurts? I’m being orphaned. Willingly.”

“I’m sorry,” I said again. “Your dad is going through something. I’m sure he will come to his senses very soon.”

“And if he doesn’t?” she asked. “He gets to Calgary and finds himself alone without anyone to lean on and then what? What is he going to do when he’s sick and she’s out fucking her next victim?”

“He’s going to call you,” I said. “Unfortunately, he’s not going to realize what he has until he hits rock bottom. Like you said, Stacey isn’t going to be around forever. When she does screw him over, he is going to need you and Rich. You are the constant he needs in his life, even if he can’t see it.”

She smiled and wiped her face again. “I just hope it’s not too late when he realizes what’s being done to him.”

“You have to believe it won’t be,” I insisted.

“I need ice cream,” she said.

I smiled. “I’ll order some.”

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