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My Fake Fling

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I carried the stuff to her car and went back in. I grabbed the dog beds and bowls and carried them out as well. The dogs were rushing back inside just as I came through the door. “I got the beds, bowls, and food. Anything else?”

She looked around. “No, I don’t think so. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Alright, guys, who’s ready to go bye-bye!”

The dogs barked and started jumping around. I helped her get the dogs loaded into her car before taking the lead. We drove out to my house with me keeping an eye on her headlights in my mirror. I was anxious to have her in my home. I wasn’t even that worried about the dog hair and drool. I was going to have to remember to call the landscapers and let them know they could expect some extra surprises in the backyard.

I grabbed her suitcase while she herded the dogs to the front door. I didn’t think there had been a dog in the house since I owned it.

“Be good!” Thea called out the moment they were released from their leashes.

They split up and went three different ways. They stopped every few seconds to sniff something. Nails across the tile was a new sound for me.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “This is the kind of chaos that happens every time they get to see somewhere new. Your house is massive, so this might take a while.”

“Alright, that’ll give us time to talk. I’ll pour us a couple of drinks.”

“That sounds like a very good plan,” she said. “Something very, very strong.”

“I have tequila,” I offered.

“Maybe not that strong,” she said.

“Alright, find a seat wherever you want. I’ll find you.”

“I’m going to find the dogs,” she said. “I’m going to try and get them on the ground floor. I’m not about to chase them all over.”

“After I make our drinks, tell me where you want their beds. Maybe that will help them settle down.”

“Thank you,” she called out and took off after the dogs. I wasn’t bothered. Not like I thought I would be. I had been so worried about dog hair and crap, I never really let myself see the joy they brought. After tonight, I had a whole new appreciation for dogs. They had saved Thea. I owed the species the chance to prove me wrong.

I mixed up some mojitos. It wasn’t technically the kind of cocktail I would have before bed, but I was thirsty and craving something fresh. I walked through the house, popping my head into various rooms until I found her and the dogs in the den. It was quiet and dark. They were all lying down and being quiet.

“How’d you do that?” I asked her.

I handed her the drink and sat down beside her. “It’s way past their bedtime. They just needed to know it was safe and I was going to be here.”

“Are you going to sleep down here?” I asked.

“I hope not,” she said.

“Good.” One of the dogs was snoring. I wasn’t sure which, but I had my bets on the pit. Kona was lying inches away from Thea’s feet. I decided I loved that dog. “How are you feeling?” I asked her. “Now that you’ve had some time to let the adrenaline dissipate.”

“I’m in shock,” she said. “It’s crazy. I still can’t believe it happened. All the years I’ve been there, and we’ve been fine. I don’t understand why they did it. I don’t even think they are from the neighborhood.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I wish I did. I want to believe they aren’t locals. To think of someone in the neighborhood attacking us is unfathomable. There’s a code.”

“That neighborhood isn’t great,” I said. “You know that. Tweakers don’t live by a code. They can’t. They’re addicts and their drug of choice is what rules them.”

“These guys were drunk,” she argued.

“Same difference. I’m worried about you. It’s not safe.”

“Life isn’t safe,” she said.

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