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The Imperfections

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She shakes her head again. “I got knocked up by a married man, Brant. Wasn’t really the sort of thing I wanted to flaunt.”

“Well, that makes this a hell of a lot easier. Now we just have to figure out how we could’ve met.”

“I already have a story,” she tells me, pulling out of my arms and walking naked to the bedside table. She starts tugging her pigtails loose to let her long blonde hair fall freely down her back.

“Let’s hear it,” I say, following her lead and walking around to my own side of the bed. I fall back and hit the light real quick, then I climb into bed. Alyssa pulls back her side of the messy bedding and climbs in next to me.

“You stopped over to visit the boys one day while I was babysitting, not realizing Bri was at work. Since I was there, we got to talking, you thought I was cute, I dug your gruff, rugged charm—boom, connection made. Before you left, we exchanged numbers, and we started hanging out after that.”

“Hanging out,” I echo, shaking my head. “It’s a little harder to sell that I’m hooking up with a teenager just for the hell of it.”

“Well, you can always say you thought I was older when we first started seeing each other. Say you thought I was in college, not high school. I said I was a senior, and you assumed I meant the 21-year-old variety.”

I mull that over for a minute. “Still a little young, but more workable. Other problem is I don’t date, so I’m not sure how believable it will be to Bri that I would’ve asked for your number.”

“Maybe I asked for yours,” she says lightly, letting her eyes rake over me with exaggerated interest.

I smile, reaching my arm out and pulling her against my side. “I would’ve laughed at you, not given you my number.”

“Did I forget to mention I was wearing a bikini?” she teases, taking my free hand and placing it over her bare breast. On instinct, I squeeze it. Her hard nipple presses against my palm and a jolt of interest travels straight to my cock. “I worked real hard for it,” she adds, playfully. “Leaned past you to grab something off the table and shoved my boobs in your face. Bent over in front of you and adjusted the scanty fabric covering my ass. Of course you didn’t seek me out, but I thought you were so sexy, I wanted to seduce you, and you couldn’t say no.”

“That might check out,” I murmur, tilting my head to kiss the breast I just got done squeezing as my hand moves to the other one.

“That’s how you got me pregnant when normally you’d never be so careless. I teased you mercilessly, and by the time I spread my legs for you, you couldn’t wait another second longer to get inside my pussy.”

My cock throbs, hearing her pretty mouth say that dirty word.

She’s quickly making her revisionist history a very accurate portrayal of the present. Even though I know we still have a lot to work out, for the moment, I can’t resist the pretty little temptress in my bed.

And I guess since she’s mine now, for better or worse, I don’t have to.



There’s an extra kick in my step the next day when I mosey into work.

I spent the whole night fucking Alyssa, sleeping peacefully, and fucking Alyssa again. After a great night’s sleep, I woke up this morning to a hard-on and my devoted new fiancée’s lips wrapped around my cock. Then, after my good morning blow job, she hauled her pretty little ass downstairs and made me breakfast.

Life is good today.

So good, in fact, it escapes my notice that I had Dirk scheduled to open until he comes sauntering in. The sight of him brings back Alyssa’s words from last night and dulls my good mood right away.

He’s my age, he’s single, he’s funny, he’s attractive. Tell me what is so awful about him, because I sure don’t see it.

He looks the part of a no-good asshole who casually breaks any heart that’s handed to him, and I don’t like knowing Alyssa was attracted to him. Good thing I’m marrying her little ass, because she honestly has worse taste in guys than any woman I’ve ever met, and my sister married Theo, so that’s saying something.

Like just about anyone working a job like this, Dirk doesn’t look thrilled to be here. Back of the house guys don’t have too strict a dress code, so he’s wearing a pair of well-worn jeans and a plain white T-shirt.

“Hey, Dirk!”

He passes a hand through his hair, offering a silent nod of acknowledgment at the perky waitress who greets him. I don’t remember if he slept with that one, haven’t paid enough attention to him before now.

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