Family Ties (Morelli Family 4) - Page 124

“Bullshit,” Adrian blusters, slamming his own glass down and glaring at the lawyer, as if he’s been given bad news instead of a possible multi-million dollar estate. “Bullshit. I don’t want it.”

“I’m so confused,” I say, raising my hand like we’re in a classroom.

Sal reaches over and tugs my arm down, since he’s sober and I’m not.

Mateo is still laughing to himself, but now he turns his attention to me. “I forgot to tell you, Adrian might be our brother.”

Sal grimaces, leaning in to tell me, “That makes him being your first kiss slightly creepier.”

“This isn’t funny,” I say, wide-eyed. Our family is Mateo’s everything. I don’t even know who he’d be if not the head of this family.

The lawyer is scrambling in front of Adrian now, trying to explain that he’s perfectly capable of disclaiming his inheritance—if it is, in fact, his inheritance—and trying to calm him down, but Adrian is pissed.

Mateo’s still laughing, like it wouldn’t even matter if he lost literally everything.

Our lawyer is sure earning his retainer today.

Meg pushes up off the couch and heads over to Mateo’s chair, leaning behind him and wrapping her arms around his neck. Like him, she doesn’t seem terribly alarmed at the possibility of Mateo losing his place in the world. “Are we paupers now? I can budget, and I’m a pretty good waitress.”

He shakes his head, tipping his glass back and taking a big drink before answering. “I have enough of my own business interests, we’d be just fine.”

Adrian approaches the desk, glaring. “It’s your house, not mine. I don’t want anything from that man. You’re not going anywhere.”

“Told you we should’ve taken that test,” Mateo states.

Rolling his eyes, Adrian remarks, “Well, looks like you get your wish.”

Mateo grins. “I always do.”

Out of curiosity, I glance in Mia’s direction. She looks anxious, but Vince is right next to her looking like he’s barely holding back laughter. He would love if Mateo lost everything. I understand the karmic justice of this situation, but I still feel really bad.

Adrian bickers with the lawyer for a little while before finally agreeing to a “goddamn DNA test.” If Adrian isn’t the eldest male heir, Mateo is, and he gets everything like he should. Now it all comes down to a test Adrian doesn’t want to take.

Mateo is taking it all in stride, grinning at Adrian and asking, “Do you want me to move, Adrian? This is all yours now, so I guess I’m in your seat.”

“Don’t be a dick,” Adrian mutters.

“Is that an order?” Mateo asks, eyes flashing with mischief.

Adrian calms down first and sits with the lawyer to discuss the next steps. Mateo just sends Meg to refill his drink and remains where he’s at, propping his feet up on the desk and leaning back, clasping his hands together behind his head and looking every bit the bossy asshole he is.

Mia finally gets up. I can tell by the way she glances his way she wants to approach Mateo, but she approaches Meg instead, leaning in and murmuring.

“So, they’re actually friends?”

I glance over at Sal. He’s watching Mia and Meg, head cocked slightly to the side like he’s trying to put together an especially perplexing puzzle.

I nod. “Meg zeroed in on her right away. She knew Mateo used to be involved with her.”

“Why do we keep referring to it as a prior involvement? They were never actually together, right? Why does it feel so much like Mia is his ex?”

“They’re just complementary kinds of damaged,” I offer, shrugging.

“I bet she didn’t have a dad growing up,” Sal remarks.

“I don’t think she did, actually.” I’m distracted, though, watching Mateo eye her from behind his desk. She’s right by Meg, so I guess he could be eyeing Meg, but I don’t think so. Then Mia glances back at him over her shoulder to check on him and he narrows his eyes slightly, crooking his finger for her to come to him.

Mia glances all around her, then to Meg. She says something to Meg, then once Meg starts back toward the desk to deliver his drink, Mia cheerfully follows behind, flashing Mateo an innocent smile as she comes to stand beside his desk.


He gives her a dry look, remarking, “Damn, forgot what I wanted to say.”

She bites back a smile, backing away and saying lightly, “Well, you know where to find me if you remember.”

Probably because he’s drunk, he doesn’t even attempt to hide his fondness as watches her walk away.

Sighing heavily, I tell Sal, “I can’t believe he knocked up the goddamn maid.”

“Yeah, that wasn’t a great move.”

“They’re so cute together.”

“I haven’t seen them together, but I’ll take your word for it.”

I turn to look at him, raising my eyebrows. “You didn’t see them just now? I want him to kiss her face.”

“Oh, boy.” Sal reaches over and takes away my glass of alcohol.

Tags: Sam Mariano Morelli Family Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024