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Queen of Men (King Maker 2)

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Like static, when his lips lightly brushed mine, I got a tiny jolt. He didn’t seem to notice and applied a little more pressure when I didn’t pull away. Because my limbs had stilled, I started to sink. His arm ghosted around me and held me up.

When our kiss broke apart, I flailed about for a few seconds before I recovered. He laughed, looking totally amused. I pushed a wave of water at him and willed my cheeks to cool the red-hot blooms that colored them.

Turner didn’t give up. He pulled my arm, directing me to a wall of earth. It led up to the perch we’d stood on before our descent into the forbidden. Should anyone come, we would be hidden there for precious seconds. Most entered through the path we had taken. Its trail had become worn over time, making it easier than coming through the thicket and risking torn clothing.

The water wasn’t as deep where we were, and I could stand. Silent ripples reached my chin, and we continued staring at each other. This was new ground for us. I wanted to ask him if I was his first kiss, as he was mine. Yet, I was afraid he’d think me too young and change his mind. I’d always been that pesky little girl like a sister following on his heels.

Looking at him now, I could see the man he was becoming. Talking like a little girl was out. I lowered my eyes from his challenging stare and saw a hint of stubble on his chin. Still, I held my head high, wanting to stare at his bare chest, but moved my eyes to his. I thought I’d won the battle of glances because he lowered his head. However, he stopped shy of kissing me. Yet, he continued caging me in.

“What are you doing?” I challenged with faint amusement as he continued to stare at me, making me feel more self-conscious.

There was no way my smile and twinkling eyes had said stop. Violet had warned me never to give in to a guy too quickly because they wouldn’t respect you. Her exact words were a girl has got to put up some fight. I’d already given in to the first kiss, but I didn’t want him to think my affection came easily.

With a smirk, he confessed, “I’m kissing my future wife.”

The way he spoke to me now was so different than it had been even just yesterday. He teased me, yes, made fun of me, yes. But never had his words spiked funny feelings in my body that were weird, yet exciting. My mind worked to process everything that was happening and commit it to memory so I could share it with Violet. I hoped she might explain those feelings later if Turner didn’t give me the answers.

While I was distracted, he took advantage and did it again. He kissed me. This time his lips urged against mine. I was unsure of what to do.

Not too long ago, I’d heard some older girls who were only months into marriage talking about kissing. They giggled and swapped stories while doing chores. I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. It wasn’t as if my mother was going to give me that information.

My lips parted just like I’d heard the girls explain, and his tongue snuck into my mouth and touched mine. I allowed him to pull me closer, liking the way he felt against that tingling spot below my waist. Something grew between us, creating more delicious pressure that made me gasp. His hand moved to my hip and tentatively delved just barely under my wet clothing. His grinding motion was fogging my brain, and I wasn’t sure I had enough brain cells left to say stop.



In one hand I held a box; the other was clenched so tightly my knuckles were white from it. I banged on the desk and not for the first time.

My lips still burned with the taste of her, the lass. It had been so long since I allowed myself to kiss someone. Since—

“What have you got there?”

I looked up to see the one person in this world I could trust.

He eyed the box in my hand and nodded at it.

Giving in to his innate curiosity, I handed him the model car Bailey had so thoughtfully bought for my son.

“Nice,” Griffin said. “Gabe’s sure to love it.”

He would have loved her too, but I kept that to myself.

I scrubbed a hand over my jaw, remembering the verbal slap Bailey had dished out.

“She got it for him,” I admitted.

Griffin’s grin widened. “The lass,” he said with amusement.

I would regret calling her that in front of him.

He pointed at me. “I knew I liked her. She’s a canny one. How did you feck it up?”

I wanted to glare at him, but he wasn’t the cause of my rage.

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