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Queen of Men (King Maker 2)

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“I think only one of us goes in to buy anything.” I looked over at Turner for his approval. He nodded but had a funny expression that I couldn’t read on his face. Alone, I pulled the car back and into the shadows, away from the front of the building and its windows.

Once I stopped, my cohorts got in. Doug had already opened the gate, and I made for it without hesitation. If he was watching the camera, he would see the four heads in the car because of the security lamps that pointed outwards from the building. However, I hoped he wasn’t paying that much attention.

I made a left at the dead end private road to head out to the main one.

By the time we made it to the gas station that had a mini mart attached, I practically jumped out of the car.

Turner opened the door, but I shooed him to stay in. His clothing was too conspicuous.

Steven gave me his drink request from the back seat. It wasn’t hard to forget Bud Light. He also requested Jack Daniels, but I didn’t think this place sold liquor.

The bell chimed at my entrance, and I zoned in on the back wall with the clear refrigerator doors that held drinks of all kinds, including soda and water. I scanned them as I walked by until I found the one filled with cases of beer. I grabbed a twelve pack.

Two doors down, I found something for Violet and me to drink. The selection wasn’t full of choices, so I picked two bottles of decent-looking wine and walked up to the counter, where the TV was showing a program.

The narrator droned on, “As you can tell from that last picture, it’s not surprising King is the talk of the celebrity gossip. With headlines of possible embezzlement, we all wonder what Kinsey St. Clair, socialite and billion-dollar heiress to her father’s dynasty, was doing on King’s arm. Is it merger talks, a takeover, or maybe just two beautiful people out for a night on the town? Stay with us, folks. We will keep you posted with the latest.”

The logo of a popular gossip TV and magazine company popped up just before a commercial. They hadn’t shown any other pictures. But from the glimpse I’d caught, I knew that man… He’d already moved on and I had no one to blame but myself.

“Miss,” the clerk inquired.

I followed his finger to the total on the register. I reached into my wallet and pulled out a credit card before stopping myself. For some reason, I thought about how I could be tracked by purchases. I didn’t think I was in any danger. Still, I handed the clerk cash and waited for my change.

My mind fogged on the ride home as I thought about what I’d seen. The pain in my chest at seeing Kalen with another woman on his arm gripped my heart in a tight fist. How wrong I’d been about him. Some part of me had hung on, hoping that maybe…

My head was still messed up when I parked back in the visitors’ lot in the community. I was unaware of the conversation all around me as the sense of loss consumed me. I hadn’t felt this bad when Scott had cheated on me. I’d felt foolish then. This was different. I was still standing, half-dressed, in the bathroom when Turner came in. So much for Doug not knowing that I’d taken others with me.

“What’s wrong? You’ve barely spoken a word since you walked into the gas station. Did you see something? Did something happen about the case? I saw the TV in there.”

“No,” I whispered. Standing in my bra and jeans, I felt dazed. “I’ll be fine.”

When he drew me close and enveloped me in his arms, I felt something open inside me that I’d longed for since I first left home all those years ago.

In his eyes, I let myself accept what he was offering. He bent and pressed his lips to mine, and I melted into him. I grabbed on to something real, and I kissed him back. I tugged at his neck and reached for his pants.

“Whoa,” he said, stilling my wrist. “Not in here. Doug will figure out what we are up to, and it will be all over town before morning.”

He was right, so I stepped back and finished getting dressed while Turner watched. After putting my change of clothes into my trunk, I went back in to give my car keys back to Doug. I realized then what a waste of money the rental car was. I should return it and call for a cab when I was ready to leave, if ever.

Turner gently tugged on my hand while I stood there in thought. I didn’t have to decide tonight. I would worry about that in the morning when I figured out what my short-term plans were.

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