The Scotch Queen (Scotch 2) - Page 29

His eyes darkened all over again.

I swallowed, getting everything down into my belly. The warm water still pounded onto the tile floor, and I was still on my knees. I didn’t notice the discomfort until the fun ended. Now my knees were sore, and my tits were flushed from massaging them. Even though I swallowed, I could still taste him on my tongue.

His thumb brushed along my bottom lip. “Now it’s my turn to get on my knees.”

When I woke up the next morning, Crewe was gone.

I still didn’t know his schedule. Sometimes, he was there when I woke up, and sometimes, he wasn’t. A breakfast tray was usually brought to my room, but eating alone wouldn’t help my situation.

I looked through the closet until I found a tight pink sundress and a nice cardigan. It was a little fancy, but it hugged my curves in a way that made them noticeable. I did my hair and makeup, putting more effort into my appearance than ever before.

I walked downstairs and saw Dunbar in the massive entryway, exactly where his post usually was. I did my best to ignore him as I walked across the large room and toward the rest of the castle. Crewe was probably in the drawing room or in the courtyard.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

I ignored Dunbar’s cold voice and kept my head high.

“I asked you a question, bitch.” He made his way toward me, his heavy footsteps amplified in the room.

Before he could grab me and start another war, I turned around but kept my distance. “I’m looking for Crewe. He’s not worried about me running, so neither should you.”

His bushy eyebrows connected in a single, straight line. He had a large nose that was the size of my fist, and he had a large mole near his chin. He wasn’t pretty to look at it, and he was definitely mean. “When it comes to cunts like you, I’m always worried.”

If he touched me, I was gonna kick him in the balls as hard as I could. “I just want to speak to Crewe. As his woman, I have the right to do that.”

“You aren’t his woman,” he said with a chuckle. “You’re just one of his whores.”

My temper snapped like a stretched rubber band. I clocked him right in the nose, giving him a powerful right hook that he had no idea was coming. I felt his nose break under my hit, and I got unbelievable satisfaction out of the damage. “Call me that again, and see what happens.”

He staggered back as the blood dripped down his face. It took him a second to understand my hit was the source of the damage. Once everything came into place, he looked at me like he wanted to kill me.

Like, actually kill me.

He pulled out his gun.

Shit. “Crewe!” I ran as fast as I could even though I could never outrun a bullet. If Dunbar caught up to me, I was dead meat. “Crewe!” I had no idea where he was. I just hoped he was in the castle and he could hear me.

Dunbar charged me down and shoved me hard to the ground, making me slide across the tile. “Let’s see how you look with a bloody nose, bitch!” He grabbed my neck and squeezed so hard I couldn’t breathe. He raised the butt of his gun and prepared to slam it down onto my face.

Fuck, this was going to hurt.

“Get. Off. Her.” Crewe’s authoritative voice was enough to stall Dunbar’s hand before it hit me. He stopped just inches away from my face, the metal of the gun nearly crushing my nose. The force would have set off a geyser of blood and permanently scarred my nose.

Dunbar stayed on top of me but dropped his weapons. “But she—”

“Get off of her.” Crewe kicked him in the stomach so he would roll off me. He kneeled down and examined me even though I only had a few scratches on my arms from falling onto the stone. “Lovely, are you alright?” His powerful arms wrapped around me. He examined my face for any bruises.

“I’m fine.” I looked at my arms and saw the burns from sliding across the floor.

Dunbar got to his feet and wiped the blood onto his sleeve. “She was trying to sneak away—”

Crewe held up his hand and dismissed him. “Disappear.”

A grimace stretched across Dunbar’s face, an explosive anger he could barely bottle inside. He wanted to get a word in but knew defying Crewe was a bad idea. He holstered his gun and finally walked away, his shoulders stiff with threat.

Crewe’s hands pulled my hair off of my face as he examined me. “You’re sure you’re alright?”

I nodded. “I was walking by, and Dunbar said some stuff to me—”

“I’ll handle him. Don’t worry about him anymore.”

Tags: Penelope Sky Scotch Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024