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Sheikh's Desert Duty

Page 20

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“Good evening.” He turned away from her and continued on to the corner of the massive space, where there was a seating area, where the bags he had had his staff prepare for them were sitting.

“What are you doing here?”

“This is a guest quarters. And as we are both guests, this is where we will both be staying.”

“I don’t even have any...” Her sentence trailed off as she looked at the bags he was now standing next to.

“You have everything. Naturally.”

“Naturally. I’m beginning to discover that staying with you means being taken care of whether I want to be or not.” He only stared at her. “Well, that’s not what I mean exactly.”

“You mean I give you absolutely no excuses for being unhappy? I make you comfortable. It must be awful considering you’re trying to feel like the wounded prisoner.”

“Well, I do feel slightly like the invaded prisoner at the moment. I was not aware we would be sharing a tent.”

He swept his hand across the expanse of the vast space. “Did you think you would have such a place to yourself?”

She blinked, tossing golden hair over her shoulders, the strands turning to golden fire in the lantern light. “I confess I didn’t really think it through.”

“I don’t suppose you did.” He gestured toward a swath of silk that was suspended from the ceiling. “Back there you will find the bed. It is fine with me if you have it. I’m happy to sleep on the couch.”

“As long as you acknowledge we’re sleeping in separate places.” He watched as her cheeks turned a fascinating shade of pink after the words left her lips.

“Naturally.” He jerked up the zipper on the duffel bag sitting on the couch, only to discover that it was the bag that had been filled with Sophie’s clothes. His hands came into contact with silk, smooth and slick, and not what he needed right at the moment. “I am not in the market for a lover. And were I in the market for a lover, it would certainly not be you.”

She sniffed. “Good. As long as we have an understanding.”

“Yes, as long as we do.” Heat burned in his chest, and his palms burned from where he had just made contact with the feminine clothing. Three years of celibacy really was far too long. If women’s clothing had the ability to get him hard, it was obvious things had been left untended for way too much time.

“Changing topic completely,” she said, “I think it’s time for the second part of our interview.”

“Do you think so?”

She crossed the space and moved to the sitting area, to the low chaise that sat across from the couch he was currently standing next to. She sat on the chaise, leaning against the back, the position accentuating her shape, forcing his eyes to her curves.

He shoved the duffel bags onto the floor and took a seat across from her. “I fear tonight there is no alcohol to help make this process any less painful.”

“I’m okay with that. I don’t actually drink all that much.” She propped her cheek on her fist.

“Why is that?”

“High in calories, expensive. Compromises control.”

“Yes, so you said. When you mentioned you had never had a hangover.”

She reached into the pocket of her pants and produced the little black recorder again. “You seem to be forgetting who’s doing the interviewing again.”

“No, I never forget. But I never give without getting in return. It is simply not how I operate.”

“And I don’t like to talk about myself. And you keep forcing the situation so that I am. It’s very irritating.”

“My apologies.”

“I doubt I have any sincere apologies from you. So let’s continue, shall we?”

He abruptly changed his mind about sitting. And pushed himself back to his feet. “What was it you asked me the other night?”

“I asked how it was your family ended up being in power. How are they chosen? I’m curious about the history of the Al-Ahmar family.”

“Yes.” He remembered, of course, but he had wanted her to bring it up again. Had wanted her to feel as though she was directing the flow of the interview. “Yes, that’s right. That is what you asked. As with anything, changes are imperfect. There was a time when we all lived like this.” He swept his hand around the tent. “Of course, we had no satellite phones.”

“Naturally not.”

“When we banded together, it was natural to want to come together under one leader. It was what we were used to.”

“You talk about it like you were there.”

He shrugged his shoulders. He supposed he did. Though it was something he barely gave any thought to. This was his history. “In many ways I was. My bloodline was there. It is not my direct family line that rules now, though we are the blood ancestors of the tribe that ended up taking control. It is a part of me.”

She shifted her position, and he turned away. “I’m curious, though, what it was that singled your people out as being worthy of leadership.”

“Do not think it wasn’t highly contested. It was no unanimous vote that brought my bloodline into power. But when war with a neighboring country broke out, a country that had long been unified especially in comparison with ours, it was my people who proved to be the greatest warriors. And it was in fact the death of our tribal leader in that battle, saving the women and children of another tribal group, that decided it. He would have been king, he would have been the sheikh, but he had perished protecting others. And so his son was made the first ruler of what became known as Surhaadi.”

Silence fell between them. There was no sound beyond the wind pushing against the tent.

“What a sad story. He sacrificed himself and he never knew what it accomplished.”

He turned back to her. “I like to think he knew. Whether or not he ever knew that it accomplished installing our family as the ruling power, I like to believe he knew in the end his sacrifice saved the women and children he set out to protect. He fought until he could not move, destroyed enemies, removed every threat, before breathing his last. I like to think he knew the most important thing his sacrifice accomplished.”

She looked away. “Well, it’s certainly a better ending. Even if you can’t quite call it a happier ending.”

“I like to think his sacrifice established what kind of leaders the Al-Ahmar family became. It is certainly the unspoken covenant that was made. That whoever should take charge of the newly banded-together tribes would lay down his life to protect the weakest among them. That he would not love his own life so much that he would seek protection for himself over others.”

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