The Vanished Specialist (The Lost Planet 2) - Page 47

Not now. Not ever.

Turning, I decide to bolt. But a sound stops me.

Whimpering at first.

Then crying.

Sad, fearful crying.



And yet my useless boots stay planted to the ground. The lid of the cryotube creaks open. I’m frozen in horror as the alien climbs out of the pod trembling badly. Her hair is like the other two aliens if you were to mix them together. Light, the color of the sun, on top, and dark underneath. It hangs in long, messy waves, covering her breasts. She’s not as small as the other two aliens. Her bones are larger. She carries more meat. Maybe this one is stronger. Maybe I won’t have hurt her.

Her nog darts all around as she takes in the space, her gaze falling first on the door behind me and then a quick look at the west door behind her. Then, her eyes meet mine. Brown eyes. Wide. Terrified. Spilling liquid. She takes a step toward me, her bottom lip trembling. I take a step back. When she reaches her hand forward, I take another step back.

“H-Help me,” she croaks.

She steps forward again and again and again. I stumble back until I crash against the wall beside the door.


My head darts left and then to just behind her. Exits on two sides of this room.


And then her declawed fingers clutch onto my bare arms. All of my minnasuits have been modified to keep my arms free of anything that will touch and chafe my scars. She clings to me, her naked front pressing against me, and I choke on my terror.

I’m trapped.

I’m rekking trapped.

Everything turns black.

I go down and take the alien with me.


Those words are hers or mine or both.

I don’t know.

I don’t know.

I don’t rekking know.

I’m trapped.

“Help me.”

This time, I know it’s me.

I’m pleading for anyone who will listen.

The black is swirling around me as my world spins. Her breath is hot near my neck, scalding me. Her words mirror mine. The darkness steals me this time, our words echoing back and forth into nothingness.

“Help me.”

I’m trapped.

There is no getting away.

This alien will be the death of me.

Tags: K. Webster The Lost Planet Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025