The Lonely Orphan (The Lost Planet 5) - Page 39

Her eyes are soft and they shimmer with tears. I kiss her nose and then her lips.

“We’re so much alike, fiery one. Together we’re going to make this planet a home—a real one. We’ll give our people a future. Happiness is in our grasp and we won’t let it go.” I kiss her again. “Blink if you’re with me.”

She blinks her eyes and the corners of her lips twitch.

“That’s what I thought,” I mutter, slowly pulling out of her. “Now rest, Lyric. Let me hold you and look after you. You own my heart now, so I have to protect it.”

Her eyes close and a single tear escapes. I kiss her wet temple and hold her close.

“Mine,” I whisper. “Forever.”

As I drift off, I think I hear her croak out, “Yours, forever.”



“You look like you’re feeling better,” Zoe says sardonically as I step off the elevator on the infirmary floor.

“What makes you say that?” I ask.

“Skin is glowing, eyes are bright, cheeks are flushed.” Her eyes narrow. “You slept with that alien monster, didn’t you? You hussy.”

“Keep your voice down. I don’t want to disturb the patients.”

I’ve never been as close with Zoe as I am with Willow, not through any lack of trying on my part. To my way of thinking, we needed to stick together to weather the tyranny from the guards. Zoe was always more than willing to work with us, but she always kept herself apart as though she was afraid to get too close. With her attitude and barbed tongue, she made sure to keep her distance.

One day, she’ll let someone in. I can’t wait to see who it’ll be, the poor sucker.

“They’re too out of it to hear us,” she insists.

“Have there been any more deaths? Any others showing signs of the illness?” There weren’t many of our numbers spared from varying degrees of the virus like Zoe. Most got it in some form or another and most were spared the severity like mine. And like Avrell had assured us, Theron and Hadrian never came down with it.

“Every day we find one or two more who have contracted the virus. We’re isolating them as much as we can. The damn thing is relentless. I’ve never seen anything like it. The morts weren’t lying when they described how awful it could be. It’s no wonder their numbers suffered. If we hadn’t had their insight, we may have suffered the same fate.”

I smile at her. “Does this mean you’re coming to like them?”

She scowls, the softness disappearing from her features. “I wouldn’t say that. So far we’ve only met two of them. One, a mouthy, reckless boy who conned you into bed and the other a cocky adrenaline junky.”

“You’ve met the others over comms,” I say judiciously, ignoring her comment about Hadrian. He may be younger than me, but I’ve never met anyone more kind or perfect for me in every way. That youthful enthusiasm has its uses. I grin, remembering the night before.

Zoe snorts, either not noticing or not paying any attention to my expression. “And what a joy that was. Your sister’s mate is a dictator—sorry about that—and the doctor he’s ordering me to work with doesn’t seem like he’ll be any better.”

“Hadrian says Avrell is brilliant. If we want to find a way to help the sick, then we need him. And you have to promise me you’ll get along with him. For their sake.” When Zoe doesn’t respond, I prompt, “Zoe.”

“Of course I will. I’m not a total bitch. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

I lay a hand on her shoulder, the closest she’s ever let me get to her, and say, “You’ve done a good job here. I hope you know how much we appreciate how hard you’ve been working. A lot of people would have died without you. I could have died.”

“Like hell I’d let that happen,” she says and my heart warms. It’s about the closest she’s ever gotten to admitting she cares.

We visit each patient, checking to see how they’re progressing, and I manage to keep thoughts of Hadrian at bay—mostly. I’m grateful for Zoe, but I can see how much the constant work is tiring her out. There are circles beneath her eyes that weren’t there before and she has a constant thirst for the instant coffee we have in storage. Thank God our supplies are extensive, otherwise I’m not sure she’d be tolerable. Even though she says otherwise, I know she’ll be grateful for the help once Avrell arrives. Much as she complains, we both know she’s in over her head. I can only hope Theron and Willow travel safely when they leave.

And return quickly.

We’ve been lucky so far, but I know how quick that luck can turn.

The sooner Avrell gets here, the better.

Tags: K. Webster The Lost Planet Fantasy
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025