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A Christmas Vow of Seduction

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The air was thick with silence, but they weren’t alone. They never would be again. Even when they were apart they would carry their love for each other in their hearts, and with that, emptiness could never have a chance to grow.

The priest began to speak their vows, his voice piercing the stillness. Zara closed her eyes and let the words wash over her.

“Do you, Princess Zara Stoica, give yourself to this man?”

She released her hold on one of his hands, taking a step forward and placing her palm against his cheek, making sure her eyes met his. “I do. I give myself to him, of my own free will. To love, from now to forever.”

“And do you, Prince Andres Demetriou, give yourself to this woman?”

“I do,” Andres said, his voice suspiciously rough, his dark eyes shining in the light. “I give myself to her, not out of a sense of honor, or duty to my brother or country, though I love them both. I give myself to her, to you, Zara, because I love you. Now and forever.”

“Then I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

Andres didn’t wait for permission to gather her in his arms and kiss her. He had never been very good at waiting for permission, but Zara considered it one of his charms.

One of his many charms.

When they parted, she smiled. “When I was a child I lost my home. I lost my family. And today, you have given me both. You are my home. You are my family.”

He closed his eyes, resting his forehead against hers. “And you are mine. You are mine.”

* * * * *

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