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Holiday with the Best Man

Page 21

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‘So what else do you like doing?’ he asked.

She thought about it. ‘Curling up on the sofa with a good book, walking in the park, going to the cinema with friends, and dance aerobics class with Bella. You?’

He considered it. ‘I probably spend too much time at work. But I like wandering round museums. Especially ones in gorgeous buildings.’

‘Where you look at the architecture and think what you’d do if you were given a free hand?’

‘Busted,’ he said with a grin.

Grace found herself relaxing with Roland, chatting easily about the food. ‘A pre-dessert dessert? What a fabulous idea,’ she said when the waiter brought a terrine with lemon verbena cream layered with orange curd, and served with the lightest and crispest almond tuile. Even better was the dark chocolate pavé with fresh blueberries and shards of dark chocolate. And then there was the cheeseboard, with a selection of cheese, tiny crackers, walnuts and black grapes, all served on a long slate board.

‘That was utter perfection,’ she said with a sigh. ‘And right now I feel like a princess. A very greedy, full-to-bursting one, but definitely a princess.’

‘Good.’ Roland smiled at her. ‘I’m glad you’re enjoying this.’

While they had coffee and petits fours, the chef came out to see them.

‘Ro. It’s been too long,’ he said, clapping Roland on the shoulder. ‘And this is...?’

‘Grace Faraday, my friend,’ Roland said. ‘Grace, this is Max Kleinman.’

‘Delighted.’ Max shook her hand warmly.

Max Kleinman was the equivalent of a rock star in the culinary world, and Grace felt incredibly shy. She knew Bella would’ve been in her element here and chatted away to him, and not for the first time she wished she had her sister’s people skills. But she was the one who was quiet and sensible and good with numbers. All she could think of to say was, ‘Your food is amazing.’

To her relief, Max looked pleased rather than embarrassed. ‘I’m glad you liked it. I hope this means you’ll come back.’

In my dreams, Grace thought, but she smiled. ‘I hope so, too.’

Finally, the Rolls-Royce took them back to Roland’s house. Grace was shocked to realise that it was almost midnight; they’d spent nearly four hours at the restaurant. She’d never lingered that long over a meal before.

Roland gestured to his coffee machine. ‘Decaf cappuccino?’

‘I think I’m too full to eat for another week, let alone drink coffee now,’ Grace said. ‘Thank you, but I’m fine.’

‘So was it OK?’ Roland asked.

‘More than OK. I’ve never eaten such amazing food in my life,’ she said. ‘Thank you so much for spoiling me.’

‘My pleasure,’ he said, sounding utterly sincere rather than being polite.

‘Though I have to be honest,’ she said. ‘I do feel as if I’m cheating you. The deal is that I’m supposed to help you brush up your dating skills while you’re sweeping me off my feet, but as far as I can see you don’t need any help with your dating skills at all.’

‘I think that’s because of you,’ he said. ‘You made me feel comfortable enough to be myself with you. You’re easy to talk to. Maybe—I don’t know—maybe next time you can be a bit awkward with me so I have to work harder at it?’

She flushed at the compliment, pleased by the idea that she’d made this complex man feel relaxed with her. ‘I’ll try. And I’m organising tomorrow night. Though I’m afraid my budget won’t stretch to anything as fabulous as tonight was. That is, if you want to do something?’ Given that he didn’t really need to practise his dating skills, it was a bit forward of her to suggest it.

He frowned. ‘You don’t have to organise anything. The idea is for me to sweep you off your feet.’

‘Yes, I do,’ she corrected, ‘because I’m not a freeloader and I’m going to feel horrible if you pay for everything and sort everything out. And if I feel horrible, then you’re not sweeping me off my feet. Quite the opposite.’

‘You’re stubborn.’ To her surprise, he reached out and stroked her face. ‘OK. We’ll play it your way and you can organise tomorrow night. We agreed to clear our diaries so I won’t be working late. I can make any time after seven.’

His touch made her feel all shivery. His eyes went dark and for a moment she thought he was going to dip his head and kiss her. But then he took a step back. ‘It’s late and we both have work tomorrow. I’d better let you go to bed.’

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