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A Royal World Apart

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She hated that man. That ridiculous, gorgeous, awful man.

Eva toyed with the idea of climbing out the window. For all of two seconds. She didn’t have anywhere she wanted to be, and frankly, it would be rebellion for rebellion’s sake and that was just stupid.

The casino stuff, that night she’d gotten into one of Kyonos’s most exclusive and racy nightclubs, that had been for the benefit of the press. And even though she’d lost her bodyguard detail, she’d been sure she was safe.

Sneaking out in the dead of night didn’t have the same benefit.

She sank into the sofa that stretched across the entryway to her quarters, which was structured very much like a luxury apartment without a kitchen. It was a way for her to have privacy without actually having it. An illusion of independence.

She closed her eyes, her head resting on a plush white cushion. She could feel the noose tightening around her neck. Duty. Honor. She should care about both of those things more than she did.

She just wanted her own life.

And in her position, wanting that made her selfish, terrible when it would be seen as normal, responsible, for someone else to want to take control of their existence. It was also completely impossible.


EVA in her fitted black slacks, white blouse and long string of pearls that hung low, knotted beneath her breasts, was a very different Eva from the one he’d encountered the night before. With her glossy brown hair tamed into a sleek bun, her makeup light and subtle, she looked every inch the proper princess.

But he knew better. He could not get the image of her as she had been last night out of his mind. Angry, and more than a little bit hot. She had plagued his dreams. Another strange occurrence. Even in sleep he had control. It had been necessary, for so long, for him to have control in every way. And he had gone into a business that took that and used it, made the most of it.

He couldn’t afford to lose it now.

He had been forced to take to the beach early in the morning, running until his lungs burned and his muscles shook, until he was certain the desire for her had been replaced by utter exhaustion. It was a technique he had used often in the past. It had not worked today.

“Good morning, Mak,” she said, looking up from her breakfast, her tone telling him there was nothing good about seeing him at all. So, she wasn’t so different from last night’s Eva.


“What’s on my agenda for the day?”

“You are housebound.”

Her head snapped up, her expression fierce. “Is that the way it’s going to be, then?”

“There is a ball coming up at the end of the month.”

“Ah yes, a ball. What is the function of those balls do you suppose? To trot me out before potential suitors.”

“And for women to parade themselves before your brother, right?”

“True. As long as Stavros is single there will be balls. And minor royals gagging to marry a future king.”

“And your brother is as interested in marriage as you are, I take it?”

“Less.” She looked up at him again and for the first time, he saw a vulnerability in her eyes. He also saw her beauty, beauty that was impossible to ignore. “Although he’ll do it. And he’ll do it without argument. That’s how he is. He does what’s best. Feeling … well, feeling never comes into it for Stavros. Is it really house arrest until I’m engaged? Is that my only option?”

“What is it you want, Eva?” He moved to the table and sat across from her. “Beyond creating scandal?”

“Something. Anything. A chance just to be myself for a while. A chance to have some freedom. To live.”

He ignored the slight twinge in his chest. “Your life is different, Eva.”

“Ah yes, I’m a princess. Which, ironically, means I have less control than your average person. Not more.”

“I find it difficult to muster any sympathy for you.”

“So … in lieu of that you plan on watching me eat breakfast?” she asked, finely groomed brow arched. She was stunning. A study in refined beauty. In another life, well, this same life, but a part of it that was so long ago it might as well not have existed, he never would have been able to speak to a woman like her. A woman of her station.

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