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Reunited at The Altar

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And funny how her smile made his heart feel as if it had done a somersault. It was anatomically impossible; but she was the only woman who’d ever made him feel that way.

He enjoyed the bowling, too. He was so aware of Abigail and the graceful way she moved, even though she was still absolutely terrible at ten-pin bowling.

After the first game he ended up putting up the bumper bars for her. ‘At least this way we can both have some fun. There’s nothing duller than seeing your ball go in the ditch every single time,’ he said.

‘You just want to admire my zig-zag skills,’ she said, brazening it out.

He laughed and stole a kiss. ‘You bet.’

They’d had so much fun as teens. And as a young married couple, even though money was tight, with him as a student and her with a low-paid job. They’d just revelled in being together.

Tonight had reminded him very much of how much he’d appreciated her company. Why had he ever been so stupid as to let her go?

The more time he spent with her, the more he wanted to be with her. This week was his opportunity to convince her to give him a second chance. He needed to work harder at this than at anything else he’d ever done in his life.

At the end of the evening, he drove her home and parked in the nearest space he could find to her front door.

Crunch time.

Had he done enough for her to let him see her again tomorrow? There was only one way to find out. And he was shocked by how nervous he felt. This was worse than sitting his driving test, his finals, and his viva for his doctorate all rolled into one. And the outcome also felt more important.

‘Was tonight’s date OK enough for you to meet me tomorrow?’ he asked, trying to keep his tone light.

‘Ten dates. That’s what we agreed,’ she said.

Whether she’d enjoyed tonight as much as he had or not, she was at least going to be fair about it. Give him a chance to prove himself. ‘OK. So tomorrow evening’s a walk on the beach,’ he said. ‘Or, if it’s raining, this time we can maybe do the cinema.’

‘That sounds good.’ She leaned over and kissed him, and it sent a shiver of pure desire through him. ‘Thank you. I had fun, tonight.’

‘Me, too.’ And, because he didn’t want to push her too far, too fast, and ruin any progress he might have made, he didn’t ask if he could come in for coffee. He simply brushed his mouth against hers really lightly, not deepening the kiss the way he really wanted to. He knew they were still compatible in bed, but that wasn’t what this was about. It went much, much deeper than that. ‘Goodnight, Abby. See you tomorrow.’

He waited until he’d seen her close the front door behind her, then drove back to the hotel.

* * *

On Wednesday evening, it was dry, and the café was still incredibly busy when Brad got there.

He could offer to help clear up again; but that would leave her open to gossip. He was pretty sure a couple of her staff recognised him, and the last thing he wanted was for them to start asking awkward questions. He’d left his car in the town, so he couldn’t sit there and wait until she was ready. In the end, he bought a cold drink and sat at a quiet corner table until one of her staff—one who didn’t know him—said, ‘I’m ever so sorry, sir, but we’re closed now.’

‘And you need to put the tables and chairs inside. Of course.’ Brad stood up.

‘Thank you.’ The young man smiled at him. ‘Have a nice evening.’

‘Thanks.’ Brad smiled back, and went to sit on the dunes. Abby clearly wasn’t going to finish dead on seven tonight, so he texted her to make sure she didn’t feel pressured.

Sitting on dunes right now. Didn’t want to get in the way of your staff. Come and find me when you’re ready.

It was another twenty minutes before Abigail emerged. ‘Hey. Sorry I’m late.’

‘Not a problem.’ He stood up, and, as he’d hoped, she kissed him hello.

‘Had a good day?’ she asked.

‘Yes. Sunetra sent me a file to review, so that took a while. And I had lunch with Mum.’

‘Who was dying to know the latest?’

‘Yes, but I’m giving her credit—she didn’t ask.’

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