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Better than Sexy (The Sexy 3)

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Chapter One

“It’s over.” Landon Bennett sat at the bar of his club surrounded by his partners and best friends, Jason Dare and Tanner Grayson, exhaustion and relief seeping into his pores.

When the judge’s gavel came down confirming Victor Clark’s guilty plea for numerous crimes, not the least of which had been calling in a bomb threat to Club TEN29, vandalism, assault and violating his parole, all three men, Landon, Tanner, and Jason had breathed a sigh of relief.

The bastard who’d killed Landon’s twin brother in a hazing initiation gone wrong would be going away again for a long, fucking well-deserved time. He never should have gotten out of prison in the first place, but apparently the government placed a high value on Vic’s snitching on his cellmate, who’d been a bigger dirtbag than Vic himself.

“To Levi, to the future, and to Club TEN29.” Which had been named for the date Levi died. Jason, from his seat on a barstool, raised his glass and they all took a drink.

Nonalcoholic because despite the fact that they owned a nightclub, none of the guys had a taste for liquor since they’d experienced that horrific night with Levi during their freshman year in college.

Landon drank his sparkling water and let out a long groan. “Now we just have to get through sentencing.”

“Vic’s parole was revoked and he was originally in for manslaughter. Add all these charges including a federal one, and we won’t have to worry about seeing his face for a good long time. Don’t worry.”

This from Tanner, the hotheaded one of the trio. But being with Scarlett, the woman he’d recently met at the club, had mellowed Tanner. Just like Jason’s relationship with Faith had changed him and put an easier smile on his face. Landon was happy for his friends, even if he couldn’t see himself settling down any time soon.

His last serious girlfriend had cheated on him. While Landon had been working nights, she’d been doing her own thing in the evenings. Her own thing being her ex. Landon had left work early and gone over to her place to surprise her … and found her ex’s face between her thighs. She shouldn’t have given him her key. Suffice to say, after the jaded life he’d lived thus far, trust didn’t come easily, except for the guys … and his immediate family.

“So I know you’ve been wanting to talk to us about the club,” Tanner said. “What do you have in mind?”

Landon was grateful for the subject change. The three men, who’d met in college, ran Club TEN29 together and made decisions as a team. Levi’s death had bonded them in a way nothing else could have. Today they had a solid partnership. Tanner dealt with everything inside the club, Landon handled entertainment, and Jason held the position of CEO, running the business end of things. However, they tossed out ideas, collaborated, and made decisions good for them all.

Landon had been thinking about his idea since the night of Jason’s thirtieth birthday party a few months ago, but they’d been so tied up with the Vic bullshit that he’d tabled the conversation. Until now.

“Can we agree that the night we hosted Tangled Royal was a huge success?” The popular band that included Jason’s brother-in-law, Grey Kingston, had reunited for a one-night gig in order to help bring back customers to Club TEN29 after Vic’s bomb threat had scared them away.

Both Jason and Tanner nodded. “We’ve been on an upswing ever since,” Tanner said.

Landon leaned against the glass and wood bar. “What’s the big thing now?” Before they could consider, let alone answer, he said, “Las Vegas residencies. Britney Spears and Celine Dion were a success, now Kelly Clarkson, Keith Urban, Jennifer Lopez, all bringing in people. So I was thinking, why not host a summer residency here, at Club TEN29?”

His friends looked at each other and Landon let them think, his own gaze going to the darkened stage they’d put in when Jason had the idea of opening the club to live acts in order to give the place a more Miami Beach vibe.

A grand piano sat in the corner, and just looking at it, Landon’s fingers itched to play. But he hadn’t indulged in music since his brother was killed. Both he and Levi had shared a talent few possessed. They could hear a snippet, a piece of music, and immediately replay it on the keys. Same with quite a few other instruments. Prodigies, their parents had called them. Landon’s desire to play had died along with his twin.

“Interesting idea,” Jason said, drawing Landon’s attention from the painful past. “Who did you have in mind?”

“I didn’t. I’ve been tossing ideas around in my head but nothing’s felt right.” Landon knew the feel of what he wanted, he just hadn’t laid eyes on the right performer yet.

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