Better than Sexy (The Sexy 3) - Page 16

“See? I told you.” Ellie grinned. “She’s going to be huge one day.”

Faith nodded. “I don’t doubt it. Jason said Landon couldn’t take his eyes off you in that video the first time he saw it.”

Vivi blushed at the thought. Clearly the women were trying to … matchmake maybe. But they didn’t know what she did about her and Landon’s connection.

“I just think Landon and I have music in common. He told me he recognizes talent and that’s why he wanted me for the club.”

Faith narrowed her gaze. “Umm, if there’s one thing the guys have in common, it’s a love-at-first-sight kind of thing. And from what we heard, he’s hooked on you.”

Vivi glanced from Faith to Scarlett, who was nodding in agreement, sipping her coffee at the same time.

“Well, Landon and I barely know each other.” Except for that amazing kiss.

“You will. You have all summer,” Faith said with certainty.

“But don’t let it freak you out. He’s a great guy,” Scarlett added. “Just give him a chance.”

Ignoring them, Vivi continued with her points against any kind of personal relationship with Landon. “I’m working for all three partners, so mixing business and pleasure isn’t smart,” she told them.

“Well, not with Tanner and Jason, obviously they’re taken, but Landon’s fair game,” Scarlett said. “There’s nothing in your contract against … what? Fraternizing? Personal relationships?”

“Well no but–” Vivi looked to Ellie for help, but her friend merely raised her shoulders as if to say she didn’t know how to help her out of the other women’s pushy matchmaking.

“I think that’s it,” Landon said, walking into the apartment in the nick of time. “With three of us, it took no time to get Tanner’s SUV loaded.”

Vivi had told Ellie not to borrow her parents’ SUV after Landon insisted on helping. “Is there room for us or should we get an Uber?”

“There’s room, ladies. We also have Jason’s car.” Landon’s gaze fell to Vivi. “You and Ellie can come with me in the SUV.”

Faith and Scarlett looked at one another, then to Vivi, and Faith mouthed, “See?”

Vivi shook her head at the other women’s certainty Landon had an agenda where she was concerned. There was no doubt in her mind Landon was just trying to make her feel comfortable.

Everyone filed out of her apartment, and Landon waited until just she and Ellie were left. “Would you like a few minutes alone before we leave?” he asked.

She glanced around her small, old apartment and shook her head. She had no sentimental attachment. It’d been a place to sleep. A pit stop on what she hoped was the road to something better.

“I’m good,” she said, reaching for her purse and pulling out her keys. “Onward and upward.”

“I’m all for that,” Landon said.

“Me, too,” Ellie said. With her new salary that kicked in when Vivi got her first paycheck, Ellie was also in the midst of looking for an apartment in a better neighborhood.

She marched out the door. Landon followed, and Vivi locked the door on her former rental, hoping that whatever lay ahead was better than what she was leaving behind.

* * *

Vivi was dressed and ready for the day, and she planned to spend it downstairs familiarizing herself with the stage, the piano, and the acoustics. Excitement buzzed in her veins as Ellie joined her in the kitchen of her new apartment.

“I’ll just grab coffee at a Starbucks on the way home. Last night was fun. Thanks for having me,” she said.

Vivi nodded. “Any time.” And she meant it. She loved hanging with her best friend, ordering in Chinese food, and binge-watching movies until they passed out.

They’d also shared a small bottle of Prosecco to celebrate all the new things that were happening for both of them. Because when good happened to Vivi, Ellie benefitted.

A knock sounded.

“I’ll get it,” Ellie said. “I’m on my way out anyway.” She strode over and opened the door to find Landon standing in the doorway.

Though Vivi was surprised to see him, she couldn’t deny the thrill that rushed through her at his arrival.

“Hi,” Ellie said to him. “Oooh, flowers. Very nice.”

Vivi stepped to the side so she could see around Ellie to where Landon held a vase filled with beautiful wild blooms.

“They’re for Vivi,” he said with a grin, his gaze going beyond Ellie to where Vivi stood.

“Well, I didn’t think they were for me,” she said with a laugh. “I was just leaving.” Ellie gestured to the big satchel hooked over her arm. “I slept over. Girlfriend pajama party, you know?”

He blinked, his expression blank. “No, I don’t know. I don’t have sisters.”

“Well, it means we were celebrating Vivi’s new gig and life.” She turned back and said to Vivi, “I’ll see you tomorrow morning at ten for clothes shopping, and the band will be here at two for a strategy meeting.” She spun toward the door. “See you soon,” she said to Landon, brushing past him as she walked out.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Sexy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024