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Better than Sexy (The Sexy 3)

Page 22

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Lies. All fucking lies.

“Well, at least now I know why she’s been pulling away.” He kicked at a pile of pillows on the floor. “But it didn’t stop her from signing the fucking contract,” he muttered.

A knock sounded on the door, the lock disengaged, and this time Jason let himself in. “Jesus,” the other man muttered, taking in the mess.

“I want her out of the club,” Tanner said as Jason joined them, stepping past glass and around the overturned cocktail table.

“So do I,” Landon said, shoving his hands into his back jeans pockets.

“If she has half a heart, she’ll walk away on her own,” Tanner muttered.

Jason stepped up to both men, a serious expression on his face. “Nobody’s breaking a contract, not us and not her. Regardless of how we feel personally, we have invested a shit ton of money into her summer promotion. We hired one of the most expensive companies in town, and tickets are sold based on her viral performance. Not to mention, she opens on Friday.” Always the voice of reason, Jason stated a valid case.

“Dammit,” Tanner muttered.

“Fuck.” If Landon hadn’t already destroyed the living room in his apartment, he’d do it now. “You’re telling me I’m stuck with her for the summer.”

“I’m telling you again, nobody’s breaking this contract. Not us and not Vivi. If she wants out, I’ll be more than happy to tell her tough shit and shove our ironclad contract down her throat,” Jason said in a no-argument voice.

“Fine.” Landon didn’t like it, but he understood business and his partner was right. “But I don’t want to deal with her.”

Jason and Tanner exchanged glances. Yes, they’d all experienced the same horrific night and lost their friend. But Landon had lost his twin.

“Done. We’ll work with Vivi,” Jason said.

Tanner nodded. “Keep your distance. We’ll handle things.” He strode over to the coffee table. “Now let’s get this place cleaned up.”

Not for the first time, Landon thanked his blessings for having these men in his life.

* * *

The day of Vivi’s brother’s interview, she’d tried to reach Landon, but he hadn’t answered his phone or replied to her texts. It hurt but she understood. First he’d probably been in shock, and once he’d come to his senses, he’d realized he’d been lusting after the enemies’ sister. No doubt he’d assume she’d known all along and taken the job anyway. Which was partially true. It just didn’t explain her reasons. Being stuck with her own thoughts all day had been painful, but she’d even turned Ellie away, needing to think.

Close to evening, she pulled on her big-girl panties and headed down to the club to see if any of the guys were present. She was nervous about who she’d find there. After what Vic had done to Landon’s twin and to Tanner a few months ago, she sensed Jason would be the kindest of the three.

Her stomach churned when she saw Landon behind the bar, but she wasn’t going to cower. She had to face this situation head on. Vic might have outed her, but she’d been the one to keep the information to herself. Now she had to face the music.

She walked over and placed her hands on the countertop. “Hi,” she said, calling for his attention.

He turned from where he’d been looking toward the liquor bottles, staring at them for too long to be doing anything purposeful.

His hair was messed, as if he’d been running his hands through the soft strands, and visible tension and hurt etched his features. She hated that she was part of that pain.

“Something I can do for you?” he clipped out.

She swallowed hard at his cold tone. “I … I wanted to talk to you. You didn’t answer your phone or texts.”

“I’m sure you can figure out why.” He lifted a bar rag and began to rub down what appeared to be an already clean counter.

“Landon, when you first approached me with the job offer, I had no idea who you were. I don’t speak to Vic. We’re … estranged.”

“So he stated on national television. At least that’s one point in your favor,” he muttered.

She pulled herself onto a barstool. Obviously he wasn’t going to engage in meaningful conversation, and it was her job to explain, anyway. “After the offer came in for this opportunity, I went to your club’s website. That’s how I made the connection. I didn’t know until then. And after I did, if you’ll recall, I said no. I turned you down.”

He stilled. “But you didn’t say why.”

She shook her head, and a part of her still didn’t regret it. Now she had to make him understand why. “I didn’t want to rub salt in an old and still-open wound. I mean, it didn’t make sense to bring up Vic’s name, to make you think about your twin’s death. I didn’t want to do that to you.”

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