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Better than Sexy (The Sexy 3)

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Which was why she was shocked when a knock sounded at her door Monday morning. She had the day off, both from recording and performing, and she’d planned to stay in all day and relax.

She opened the door to find Landon wearing a pair of navy boarding shorts, a light blue tee shirt, and a sexy smile on his face.



“Umm, what are you doing here?” she asked.

“Pool day.”

She narrowed her gaze. “What?”

“I’m here to take you swimming, so why don’t you change, I’ll wait, and we can get going.” He leaned a hand on the doorframe, watching her expectantly.

The last thing she’d expected was a day outdoors. “Where do you plan to take me?”

He tapped her nose and grinned. “That’s a surprise. Do you have other plans?”

She immediately shook her head, though if she’d been smart, she’d have hesitated. Since the night she’d been with him, she’d managed to keep her distance, and she’d thought, despite his watchful behavior, he’d decided to do the same. Though she’d been disappointed as the two days passed and he hadn’t tried to come upstairs with her again, she understood he’d probably come to his senses. Or that Tanner had gotten through to him in some way, and she’d convinced herself it was for the best.

He stepped inside and shut the door behind them. “Then go put on a bathing suit and let’s get going.”

“Okay.” The word was out before she could think. Again.

So she headed for the bedroom and changed into the bikini she owned but rarely had time to wear. She grabbed an extra-long tee shirt to cover the bathing suit, a pair of flip-flops in her hand, and packed a light bag as if she were going to the beach, including change of clothes, sunglasses, and her phone.

“I’m ready,” she said, walking out and joining him in the outer room and tossing her things onto the sofa.

His gaze settled on her body and seared her skin, his eyes darkening as he took her in. “Put that tee shirt on or we’re not going to make it to the pool.”

Her nipples puckered beneath his heated gaze and her sex pulsed with desire, but she also wanted to know what he had planned. “Fine.” She pulled the tee shirt over her head, let the hem fall to mid-thigh, and slipped on her flip-flops. “Ready.”

He grinned and held out his hand, waiting until she slid her palm against his before clasping his fingers around her. “Let’s get out of here.”

After taking the elevator down, they walked through the club and she caught sight of Tanner at the bar.

“Vivi, come here, please?” Tanner called from across the room.

She glanced at Landon and he paused mid-stride. “It’s up to you if you want to hear him out.”

He was her boss, so… “Sure.” She released his grasp and headed over to where the other man sat waiting. She didn’t know what he wanted but assumed he’d be on his best behavior in front of Landon.

“I owe you an apology,” he said before she could speak, taking her by utter surprise.

“Oh. I–”

“I was out of line the other day. The things I said to you were hypocritical. Something Landon pointed out to me.” He propped a hip against the bar. “You see, when I met Scarlett, that was it for me. Nobody could have kept me away from her. So it’s not my place to tell anyone what to do. Not to mention, I’m not a Boy Scout myself. I’m not Vic but I’ve done some shitty things. Let’s just say I won’t be giving you a hard time again.”

“Umm, wow. Thank you. I appreciate that. And Jason?”

“Are you kidding? He found Faith on the side of the road with a flat tire and moved her in within a week. He won’t have anything to say.”

She shook her head. “We’re not like that.” She needed to clarify her relationship with Landon so nobody misunderstood, including Landon. “According to my agent, there should be some big offers coming through by the end of the summer. Things I’ve dreamed about since I was a kid.” She glanced up at Landon, her heart pounding as she spoke, a shocking feeling of disappointment running through her at the thought of leaving him. “I’m sure it will involve a lot of travel.”

A flash of dismay flickered across his face but he masked it quickly. “But we aren’t going to worry about the future now. We’re off to the pool.” He tugged on her hand, and she told herself to put her thoughts aside and to just enjoy the time she had now.

Landon looked at his friend. “Thanks,” he said, leading her out the door and to his SUV parked behind the club.

The sun was hot overhead, the warmth of the summer beating down on them. A perfect beach day, she thought, but he’d said they were going to a pool.

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