Better than Sexy (The Sexy 3) - Page 34

“So … where is this pool?” she asked again.

He rolled his eyes. “I take it you weren’t good with surprises as a kid?” he asked as he opened her door and she climbed in.

He shut it behind her and entered the SUV on the driver’s side. Suddenly she was in an enclosed space with a man who smelled delicious and who she wanted desperately. Shifting in her seat, she turned toward him. “No, I used to shake my Christmas gifts under the tree.”

He laughed. “Naughty girl,” he said in a joking voice.

She slipped her shoes off and curled her legs beneath her on the seat. “I can be. Under the right circumstances,” she teased right back.

He glanced over and she fluttered her eyelashes at him and grinned.

* * *

Landon pulled up to his parents’ house, knowing they were away for the weekend. He had the key and permission to use the pool during the summertime, so he’d decided to bring Vivi here for some alone time and a swim. She’d worked hard all weekend and had been bombarded with people wanting her attention, and here she could relax and not worry about anything but the sun … and hopefully him.

“Where are we?” she asked as he cut the engine, placed an arm on the steering wheel, and turned to face her.

“We are at Casa Bennett. My parents have a pool.”

Her face grew pale and her eyes went wide. “Your parents? Oh, no. I can’t meet them. I’m Vic’s sister. My brother killed–” She slammed her jaw shut and looked out the window. “You know,” she said. “How could you bring me here?”

He slid a hand onto her shoulder and brushed her hair away. “Hey. They’re away, okay? Relax.” He hadn’t meant to throw her off-balance.

Her shoulders eased down and he realized she was shaking. He squeezed with one hand, trying to calm her. “Jesus. I’m sorry, Vivi. It wasn’t such a good surprise after all.” Sure, he’d thought about her meeting his parents and knew he had to break the news to them first.

She tipped her head and looked up at him. “This is why we’re a bad idea.”

Ignoring her statement, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. Sparks flew immediately, desire arcing between them so fast and furious her mouth opened beneath his. His tongue glided against hers and she moaned, their mouths joining, feeling like pure heaven.

He pulled back, his hand stroking her cheek. “And that’s why we’re a good idea. Now, can we go hang out and relax? That’s all I want. Just to be with you while I can.”

She treated him to a forced grin, and he was determined that by the end of the day, her smile would be for real.

They exited the vehicle and grabbed their bags. He’d stopped to pick up sandwiches and drinks, though he knew his mom always kept a stocked fridge. They were only away for two days, so she wouldn’t have thrown anything out.

“So this is where I grew up,” he said as he let them inside. And though it wasn’t always easy to come back here, it was his first home. “And since my place doesn’t have a pool, I figured there’s no reason not to use it. Come on.”

He let them into the house, which was a large home that some people said was in a McMansion type of neighborhood in Connecticut. “My dad’s a stockbroker,” he said, grasping her hand and leading her through the house. He planned to skip the tour, not wanting to end up in Levi’s room. “And Mom was the librarian in the high school. She loved teaching but she’s retired now.” She left after Levi’s death, finding it difficult to be around kids, but again, not something he wanted to bring up to Vivi. “They’re awesome people.”

“Sounds like you love them a lot. I feel the same way about my mom.”

He paused at the linen closet and pulled out some oversized towels before directing her to the sliding doors that led outside. “What about your dad?” he asked, shutting the sliders.

“Here, let me help.” She placed her bag down, took the towel, and helped him cover two chairs. “My father was two different people,” she said, smoothing nonexistent wrinkles from the towel.

Rising, she faced him. “A great parent to me and a shitty parent to Vic.” She held up a hand. “I’m not offering up an excuse. I’m just stating facts because you asked. He died five years ago.”

He swallowed hard. “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you.”

“Vivi … I want to get to know you. If it means hearing about Vic, so be it. I’m never going to get over what happened, but I’m not going to hold it against you.”

She glanced up at him. “You’re a good man, Landon.”

“I’m a man who wants to get to know a woman, period. Now can we enjoy the sun?” He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing an already tanned chest and rippled muscles that had her drooling.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Sexy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024