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Turn Up the Heat

Page 61

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Hmph. “You had a strange way of showing it.”

“I was half-crazed on no sleep and deadline pressure. And I had no shoes on.”

“What about when I showed up with the brownies?”

He started laughing, a low, sexy chuckle that made his eyes glint mischievously. “I was flustered. I’d just had a dream about you that I would very much like to come true someday.”

She tried very hard to keep frowning, hands jammed on her hips. “Oh?”

He nestled her snugly against him. “Oh.”

“I’m not being paid by Marie for anything, Justin.” She whispered the words, head lolling to one side as his mouth explored her throat. “I’m just playing.”

His lips stilled. “With men.”

“With different parts of my personality. But not with you.”

She touched his face, hating the scratch now that looked so raw. “Never with you.”

His struggle was so obvious now. She’d missed it before.

Struggling with whether he could trust her. And all she’d been worrying about was her clothes.

“Tell me about your dream. The one that got you flustered.”

“Hmm. One part I’d rather not re-create. No, two parts.”



He sighed with exaggerated resignation. “The part where my old girlfriend shows up.”

“I think that woman did a number on you.” She couldn’t believe her anger had dissipated so quickly into tenderness.

What was it about this man that kept her coming around, that kept her wanting things to work out between them. Good instinct or loneliness?

“I’m over it.” He started walking her backward toward the stairs.

“Do you want me to do a number on you, Justin?”



“Not even a nice number?”




He laughed. “That is a nice number.”

“What else didn’t you want to tell me about from your dream?”

“The black satin jockstrap.”

“You’ve seen me in a tiara and wings. I think I can handle—”

“Oh, that Cupid outfit.” He looked like a man reliving one of the best moments of his life. “You were so hot in that, I could barely speak. Maybe you noticed.”

“Actually—” she flung him a sheepish glance “—I figured you were overcome with loathing.”

“No. No loathing. Frustration, sure, annoyance, yup, but never loathing.” They reached the stairs; he looked up the flight, then down at her. “Lots of frustration, Candy.”

She knew what he was asking. They’d been at this juncture twice before. Once she’d said no, the second time he had.

But like it or not, they’d been heading for it since they met.

Maybe he trusted her a little more now, maybe she trusted him a little more, too, because she didn’t care so much about the whys of his presence in the bar. It had something to do with his misunderstanding of her role at Milwaukeedates. They’d work it out.

“Let me guess.” She slid her arms up around his neck. “You have something to show me in your bedroom.”

“As a matter of fact, I do.” He took her hands down, keeping hold of one, and led her up three steps.

She followed, realizing how much she’d been wanting him and how hard she’d been fighting against that wanting. It was time now. For better or worse, no matter what happened, she needed to do this. “That woman from the bar better not be up there.”

“I promise.” Three more steps.

“Not your old girlfriend, either.”

“I promise again.” Three more, step, step, step.

“And you better not lead me on then kick me out.”

“I promise that, too.” Up at the top of the landing he turned and pulled her close, kissed her as if the interval their lips had been apart while they climbed the stairs had been unbearably long.

Which it had been.

“Answer me something, Candy.”


“I need to know this.” He stroked hair back from her face.

“I’ve met a lot of women since I’ve been here. Through Troy mostly, but also a couple in bars, one at a Bucks game. Nice women. Beautiful women. Sexy women.”

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