Turn Up the Heat - Page 67

“So you still have those pasties, huh?”

Laughter made Candy cover her mouth to keep her sandwich inside. “Mm-hm.”

“Wear them for me sometime?”

“The G-string, too?” She wrinkled her nose when he 170

nodded, though she was happy to hear at least that he was planning to get naked with her again. “They’re so ridiculous.”

“Trust me. On you they would not look ridiculous.”

She made a dismissive gesture, but had already started glowing inside. He did that glowing thing to her fairly often.

She could get used to it. “You’re sweet to—”

“I’m not being sweet.” He pushed his plate out of his way, leaned forward on his elbows; the potency in his eyes convinced her. “Tell me what the costume looked like. Exactly.”

“Exactly?” Her urge to giggle was incinerated by his gaze.

“It was…tiny.”

“Tiny.” The gaze traveled to her breasts, which tightened under his T-shirt. “How tiny?”

“The top was just hearts. Red ones. Sequined. The size of apricots.”

“How did you get them to stick?”

“Double-sided tape. I was too embarrassed to wear only the pasties so I sewed straps to their edges and tied them around my neck and back. It looked like a super-tiny bikini clinging to the tips of my breasts.”

He reached down under the table, adjusted, brought his hand back up again. “Tell me more.”

“The bottom was another heart. With fabric strings.”



“How many guys were there?”

“About a dozen.”

“Tell me what they did when they saw you.”

“Shouted a lot. Stared a lot.” She didn’t tell him she’d been so convinced she looked ridiculous that she’d jumped out of the damn cake nearly in tears, and had been astounded by the roar of approval.

“What did you do?”

“There was loud music. I danced, or more accurately undu-lated, for a while, kissed the groom, then got the hell out of there.”

“Did he touch you?”

“He grabbed my ass when I kissed him. Both cheeks.”

“Take off your shirt. Slowly.”

She caught her breath, reached down and pulled it off, the warm air of his kitchen teasing her breasts, but not as much as his eyes did. “Will there be anything else, sir?”



She stood, mutely waiting, getting crazy turned-on.

“Show me where the top was on your body.”

She drew hearts around her nipples, taking her time, one breast first, then trailing her finger through the middle of her cleavage moving to the other.”

“Now the bottom.”

She traced the bottom, heart-shaped over her naked sex, then turned and jutted out her rear, followed the path of the thong.

His breath hissed in sharply; his chair scraped back. Strong hands caught her around the waist and swung her toward the table where she landed bent over, supported on her hands, head tipped so her hair tumbled nearly to the abandoned bag of chips. She swept it away, moved the dishes, felt him part-ing her legs farther, heard the swish of lowering boxers, the unrolling of another condom. Then the rigid push of his penis inside her, an inch at a time, stopping instantly when she gave a gasp.


“No, no, keep going.” It did hurt a little, but the pain was part of the pleasure, the thrill of being taken like this by someone she trusted.

She felt again that swell of emotion that she’d fought for so long. Love? Maybe. But wilder and freer than anything she’d felt before. She felt wilder and freer than anything she’d felt before.

He started to move; she braced herself against the tabletop, pushing back against him, bumping savagely into his pelvis each time, relishing the grunts and moans, the animal nature of their coupling.



His hands were gentle, reverent, stroking her back, long sweeps over her muscles, then under and across to tease her breasts with light caresses. The combination was pure aph-rodisiac, everything she could want: passion, lust, but also respect and consideration.

She could only hope more came with that.

But with that hope also came the startling realization that more had already come with that. She liked herself again.

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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