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Turn Up the Heat

Page 85

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Candy looked up at Justin, unable to speak. The look on his face—love with a healthy dose of terror—made her laugh, and then she started to cry and stood up, reaching blindly for him.

“Justin.” She giggled, sobbed, hiccupped. “I think this p-pizza asked me to m-marry it.”

His arms were strong around her. His head bent next to hers. “The pizza is incredibly in love with you, Candy. I have never met a woman like you before. You light up my world, you make me want to live better and I’m sure I will never find anyone like you again. Will you marry me?”

It took her three tries before “yes” came out, even though she was urging it along as hard as she could. Her body was shaking. She’d never felt emotion this powerful.

“Yes. Yes!” Now that she’d said it, she couldn’t seem to stop, until his mouth did a good job of cutting her off.

Many kisses later, he was still holding her close, stroking her hair. “Ah, Candy, I was going to do this right tonight. The flowers, the chocolate, a window table at Lake Park Bistro, with the ring in a glass of their best champagne. Instead you got the cheesy pizza proposal.”

“But it was my cheesy pizza proposal and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way, Justin.”

“Guess what?” He grinned at her and winked one of those beautiful brown eyes filled with love. “We have the rest of our lives to get that Valentine’s Day celebration perfect.”

“No.” Candy laughed and shook her head, certain of one thing absolutely. “Tonight we already did.”


“On a PIZZA? ” Darcy plunked a hand to her chest and burst out laughing. “I think I actually might like this guy.”

“Me, too.” Kim was grinning. “Especially because he tried so hard to do it by the book, but came up with such a fun and creative Plan B when the first one didn’t work out. You’ll always remember this, too, because it’s so unique. Your kids will love the story.”

“Except when they’re teenagers, because everything parents do is lame then.” Candy made a face that couldn’t hide her joy.

“Absolutely, they’ll love it.” Marie reached over and squeezed Candy’s hand. The courtship had been rocky and awfully quick, but now that Justin had come through with a proposal, quieting Marie’s unfounded fears, instinct was again telling her this was a good match. Funny how she could have better insight into other people than herself. “I couldn’t be happier for you.”

“It’s wonderful.” Kim’s eyes were brighter; she looked less weary than at their last Women in Power meeting.

“What’s going on with you this month, Kim?” Marie asked.

“I do have a couple of pieces of hopeful news. Finally.”

“Tell us!” Candy turned, clearly anxious for happiness to be spread around.

“A friend at my old ad agency told me Carter International, the china and crystal company, is accepting nonagency bids for a new website. I came up with a pretty cool idea, and my friend is putting in a good word for me with her Carter contact, so I thought I’d give it a somewhat desperate shot.”

“Oh, Kim!” Candy crossed fingers on both hands. “That would be wonderful. And would really get your business on solid ground.”

“I turn thirty in April and that was my deadline. If I can’t make Charlotte’s Web Design work by then, I’ll give up and go back to corporate life.”

“Then make this happen.” Darcy raised her hand for a high five. “Millions of people see the Carter website every year.

You’d be in.”

“I know.” Kim blew out a shaky breath. “This is my last chance. Scary, but at least it’s a big honking last chance.”

“It certainly is.” Marie applauded, both thrilled and anxious for her. Kim had put in so much hard work and so many long hours to get her company going. It was unthinkable that she’d fail. “What’s the second piece of news?”

“I think I’ll be able to get help with my rent for a while.

Just in time. One of my brother’s friends lost his lease because the landlord is selling the building. He’s a master’s student at UWM School of Architecture. Nice enough guy, and I’d get financial help for a couple of months. When he finishes his thesis he’ll find his own place.”

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