Turn Up the Heat - Page 86

“By that time you’ll get the Carter account and not have to worry,” Darcy said.

“That’s the fantasy.”



plan.” Marie gave her a brilliant smile, heart aching for all Kim had gone through. Thirty might be an arbi-trary deadline, but Marie respected her for setting it. Though 218

if Kim didn’t get the job the birthday celebration would be more misery than milestone.

Marie stifled a gasp. The perfect idea had just flashed into her brain. Of course! They’d throw Kim a surprise party using Candy’s expertise to make it a really special event. They could enlist Kim’s brother, Kent, to help them. Or even better, this new roommate, who’d be in a perfect position to inform on Kim’s doings, habits and tastes.

The president of Women in Power got up to the podium and called for everyone’s attention. The women around the room fell silent, shifting chairs to be able to see better, putting napkins on the table, getting one more cup of coffee to last them the program.

Marie kept her eyes on Kim, mind working overtime. The party was a great idea, but one more piece falling into place would guarantee Kim’s thirtieth would be something to celebrate instead of mourn, no matter what happened with Carter International.

Business success or no, Marie was going to find Kim a man.

Tags: Isabel Sharpe Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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