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Half-Hitched (The Wrong Bed)

Page 23

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“Of course it does. Now imagine he has gold skin and just enough body hair to be manly, stopping well short of gorilla.”

“I should hope so.” She formed a vivid picture. Definitely helping.

“Minimal body fat. Well-defined muscles. Bologna-size schlong.”

Addie burst out laughing. “That does not help.”

“Eyes closed.” Sarah waved at her impatiently. “Now imagine yourself naked sliding into bed next to him. Imagine him waking up and touching you everywhere with really good warm hands, kissing you, murmuring incredibly sweet things.”

“Yes.” Addie smiled dreamily, imagining her little heart out. “That’s working.”

“Repeat after me, ‘I am a sexual goddess.’”

Addie snorted laughter. “I’m who now?”

“Ahem. This will only work if you cooperate.”

“Okay, okay.” She suppressed a giggle, still enjoying her private naked picture of Kevin. “I’m that, a sexual goddess, whatever.”

“With feeling.”

“I am a sex-ual god-dess!” She ended the phrase with a ridiculous squeal.

Sarah collapsed onto the couch next to her and folded her arms over her chest. “That’s it. You’re hopeless.”

“Am not.”

“Are, too.” Sarah punched her shoulder. “You can do this, you know.”

“Yeah?” Addie turned and looked at her friend, thoughts spinning around a confusing maze of yes-I-will and no-I-won’t. Kevin was attracted to her, he obviously wanted her and he might even be harboring feelings for her. So what was the problem?

Maybe she was just chicken. Or maybe she was experiencing a wise instinct warning her away. How could you tell the difference?

One concept kept her from ditching the idea entirely. One very important concept. If she went back to New York without trying to do this, she’d spend forever wondering what would have happened if she had. She’d never get out of her rut if she never took that first big step. Better do it tonight. Get it out of the way so she’d be able to enjoy him and not spend tomorrow nervous all over again.

“Okay.” She squeezed her eyes tight shut, then opened one to peek at Sarah. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

Sarah’s head lifted off the couch. “Really?”

Addie nodded, spirits starting to bubble with excitement. “Yes. Really. I’ll do it. Now, before I lose my nerve.”

“Yay!” Sarah applauded silently. “So what will you do exactly?”

Addie’s brave expression slipped. “Exactly?”

“Well, no, not exactly, but I mean, like, for example, are you going to go into his room naked?”

“Sarah!” The outrage was automatic, but she did have a point.

“Come on, you have to work out these details.”

“You’re right.” Addie jumped up to start pacing herself. Thud thud thud, tap tap. Repeat. “I can’t be naked because someone might see me out in the hall.”

Sarah got up and started pacing opposite her, doubling the thuds and taps. “So strip in his bedroom, then?”

“He might wake up prematurely.”

“Get in bed with clothes on?”

“That’s no fun.”

They both stopped and stared at each other in dismay.

“Oh!” Sarah started taking off her sweater. “This is perfect. Go up there naked with this wrapped around you. If someone sees you, you’re covered, but once you’re in Kevin’s room, all you have to do is drop it and voilà, birthday suit.”

“That might work.”

“Plus you get to feel like Venus on the half shell.” She posed, Venus-like, voice high and dreamy, and let the sweater fall. “Letting your garment drop and po-o-ol around your feet.”

“Sheer poetry.” Addie giggled on her way to their bedroom, already taking off her clothes, nervous and excited—not really in a sexual mood, but that would come later, when the nerves had subsided and she could relax in Kevin’s arms.

“Here.” Sarah handed the sweater through the door.

Addie finished undressing and draped it around herself then emerged back in the living room and struck what she hoped was a practiced seductress pose. “How do I look?”

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